How do you determine if someone is trustworthy?

  1. Through repeated shows of trust over time. They keep to their word. They’re reliable and say and do the things they said they’ll do. They don’t do sketchy things.

  2. I trust until I’m proved wrong. I don’t trust immediately with everything (like all my secrets and feelings etc.), but I trust that they’re good as a base until their actions prove otherwise.

  3. To me a trustworthy person’s actions and words align. They have convictions and stick to them, but can also adjust their convictions based on better information and personal growth. They will do what’s right, not what’s easy or likely to gain them favour or personal benefit.

    I’m yet to meet a trustworthy person, not even myself.

  4. By seeing if their actions match their words, if they communicate transparently and if they stay consistent in the values they express.

  5. Proven track record of being trustworthy over time. Whether the situations seem small or large, they act ethically and with integrity and honesty consistently over time.

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