I want to do something romantic and sweet for the man I have been seeing. I’m kinda rusty when it comes to acts of service since I’ve been out of the dating game for awhile. What’s something you have done for a man, or what is something a woman has done for you to make you feel special?

  1. I love receiving acts of service and physical touch, so an impromptu massage from a woman I’m dating is always amazing.

  2. Write things about him that you love. Enough for a week/a month, whatever you choose. Put in a jar and give to him as gift with instructions to open one per day. I did this for Valentines and my partner loved it

  3. First of all. Aww! I love that you are inspired to do something to make him feel special. Men need to feel appreciated too.

    There is always the homemade meal. Personally, I love this over an expensive night out as it shows genuine effort. Especially if it’s a meal you excel at and a recipe he will enjoy.

    I’ve also bought tickets to “insert his favourite interest”. Even if you’re not into say, car shows or whatever. It’s a great opportunity to learn and puts him in a setting he’s comfortable with and knowledgeable about.

    I’ve also done a fly by your pants kind of date. Almost a “choose your own adventure”. Start out with breakfast and a walk about to all his favourite places.

    My favourite date of all time was going to one of those parking lot amusement rides. It was just silly fun and we both felt like kids again.

    You could also check out local events that won’t break the bank and (hopefully) find something that would be right up his alley.

    Good luck and I hope this helps.

  4. Depends on what he’s like. If he is more of a homebody I’d go over and do an activity he enjoys, maybe cook dinner or order takeout that he likes, give him a massage or head scratch and be intimate. That would be delightful.

    For example if my girlfriend came over, ordered/cooked some food, got wine, set up a bath for us and cuddled/scratched my head I am in heaven. Better than any gift or expensive night out.

    Sometimes it’s the simple things.

  5. Give him a compliment. Just tell him he’s wonderful in every way and youre the luckiest woman on the planet.

  6. I’d say words of affirmation are better than cooking or treats or physical touch. Most men are depraved of this and leads to depression.

  7. Bake his favorite cookies with a cute note and leave them on his doorstep for when he gets home

  8. My first love use to put her head on my chest to hear my heart, said it set her at ease. First time she did it I was like ok and she proceeded to tell me she loved me and that was the first time it was said by either of us.

  9. Scratch his back until he falls asleep…not expecting anything in return

    Just because

  10. The last time I liked a man I found out what his favourite treat is and gave them to him with a little note. It made his day.

  11. How long have you been dating? Are you exclusive? You’ve had the DTR talk and everything? That’s a big part of this.

    A loving, grand gesture early on could be overwhelming or inappropriate if done too soon before the relationship is at a place that warrants whatever the gesture is.

    But maybe don’t try to do anything over the top if you’re not exclusive and you’re just trying to hold on to him or impress him to change his mind if he seems to be drifting away.

    It’s also good to know his love languages, how he likes to feel/receive love. If he’s not a “gifts” person, buying him something thoughtful might not do much for him, for an example.

    You’re dating him so you would know him best as to what he would appreciate. Certainly better than random strangers on the internet.

    That being said, a nice home cooked special meal, planning a nice fun activity date (meal and activity) and paying for it, or if you’re at the “having sex” stage, a thorough BJ or wearing some nice lingerie for him are all pretty universal ways to show appreciation for a guy. Or taking a cue from conversations you’ve had to get him something small that he recently said he needs, ran out of, lost, or whatever could be nice.

  12. I don’t know how creative you are but I’ve watercolored a picture I took of him and he loved it. He in return has written me some beautiful poetry.

  13. Damn that sounds nice of you, most women ive met would probably never do that, its usually only one way in my case. Im sure whatever it is that you do he will definitely be surprised and be appreciative.

  14. A good meal, and as soon as he enters home, make him sit down and sip his favourite beer. That’s what it takes to make me understand how much you value me.
    Then afterwards, find a way to shower together.

  15. You should ask him and not strangers on the internet. Every person is different. You may end up doing something he doesnt like. Its always worth it to talk to your person first.

  16. I am in a LTR and we live together, so some of these would not be appropriate for a newer relationships. But some of the things I like to do just because are:

    1. Bring home his favorite drink/snack
    2. Pick up something for a project he’s been needing (my SO needed thread for a project that he delayed months bc he kept forgetting to grab it)
    3. Clean his car (if he is not particular about it. Some guys would not like this)
    4. Do his laundry or press his shirts
    5. Cook a special meal or dessert
    6. Similar to above, meal prep something for his freezer for when he has a long day
    7. Pop a note somewhere he will find later (bathroom mirror, jacket pocket, computer monitor) saying something sweet
    8. If appropriate bring him a coffee at work
    9. Pick up a small gift, like a book you think he’d like
    10. Plan a date, even if it’s at one of your houses

  17. Buy him a video game that you know he loves and give him a night to himself to play it!

    Give him the next day to recover if he’s had some drinks! He will love the extra space!

    Ask him if there’s anything else he needs.

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