What’s the stingiest thing a friend has done that made you question your friendship with them?

  1. What do you define as stingy? I’m trying to think of things that have happened with my friends but I wouldn’t judge my friends on how they choose to spend their money (or not) – is there another definition of stingy that I don’t know about?

  2. She bought us tickets as a Christmas present, then cancelled on me last minute due to covid (understandable), but encouraged me to go anyway and guilted me in to buying both tickets from her because she wouldn’t stop crying over the phone until I offered. It was at that point I realized that her crying and me fixing was a big theme. Turns out she didn’t even buy the tickets, her company did. Dropped her ass when I found out.

  3. When I was in high school, a girl I considered a close friend could not afford tickets to see a band we both loved. I saved my pocket money and got her a ticket to see them with me. She was so grateful she cried.

    BUT a few weeks later she entered a radio competition to win tickets and meet the band, for her and a friend. She WON. She called me up and screamed excitedly down the phone, and I was super excited too because naturally I assumed we were going together. She told me she was taking a different friend instead of me and I could give the ticket I had bought for her to someone else. As a 14 year old, this broke my heart. I would have given anything to have met that band. It was a long time before I did a favour like that for someone again.

  4. Went on a double date. My husband offered to pick them up because parking in New Orleans can be a pain in the ass. We go to a very nice steak place. It’s pricey but we knew that going into it. Our bill was 450 for the four of us. My husband and her date decided to split it right up the middle since we all got basically the same thing say for a few drinks. She whips out the calculator and starts dividing up the bill down to the penny and tries to justify it by saying she doesn’t want to pay for something that wasn’t hers. So, as a direct clap back, I told her we need 35 for parking+fuel, and 20 for the drink we paid for at the bar while we waited for our table. She got real heated about that and I honestly felt bad for the guy. He was having a great night until then. We liked him. She had never done anything like that before so it was super out of character for her. I still never got a direct answer for what the hell that was about. I’ve since distanced myself from her, not cut her off, but I’m damn sure not going out with her again.

  5. Living with my friend at her first house was making our friendship sour so I decided to move to a more convenient location and gave notice. She made me pay full rent up to the notice period once I moved out (so I was paying double rent).

    My friends said that it was a stink move on her part, but it was her house and I got that she had to pay her mortgage so I wasn’t fussed. It was in the agreement.

    Months and months later, I found out that she didn’t even replace me as a tenant (and was also going on multiple, expensive trips), so she didn’t actually need the rent money but still made me pay, knowing that I was struggling to pay double rent with my low paying job.

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