Hey women of Reddit, I really need your help. I’ve never dated nor been intimate with anyone, never done anything either so I’m severely inexperienced when it comes to this area. I’m also TERRIBLE at reading women, so I really need your help.

I’ve been struggling with this for a few months now. I’ve known her for over a year and these feelings surfaced only a few months ago after a really late night conversation where we really got to know each other. I never saw her as anything more than a friend before that.

We talk all the time, snap, IG, memes everywhere, occasional phone call, and this was all established prior to that late night convo. We even have each others location on Snapchat.

I then met her at a school event where we were the only ones who knew each other and it was a struggle to stay focused because those feelings came to LIFE that night. We sat right next to each other the entire night super close and then dropped her home where we legit sat in the parking lot for 2 hours before leaving.

I tried to stop talking/interacting with her so that the feelings go away but all it did was make me think about her more and more, and now it’s an everyday thing where she comes to mind, so I can confirm that these feelings are real.

We’re both in the same career path, both single, and we’ve both confided in each other.

I want to tell her, but don’t know how to go about it. She lives a bit far from me and we have busy schedules so meeting up will be a bit difficult, so I was thinking about do it over the phone.

How do I bring this up? What do I say?


TL’DR: I realized that I have feelings for my close friend but don’t know how to ask her out. What is the best way to do it? I really need help here

  1. Well if you’re already saying that meeting up would be difficult, maybe you should rethink it a little bc if you guys end up dating, the distance won’t go away. BUT if you truly do want to express your feelings to her, I’d ask her on a date and let her know how you feel.

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