Why am i like this? Anybody else like this? Any gay gals or bi gals who can relate? This really bothers me.

Edit: i have been able to cum by the thought of woman before but now a days its harder and dont come Easy or natural. It dosent make sense to be like this when i prefer woman.

  1. Sexuality and identity are big ol’ wide spectrums of behavior and preferences. Like you could be bisexual but only homoromantic. There are people who are heterosexual but homoromantic.

    Unless it causes frustrations in your relationship, ie you can’t have a fullfilling sexual relationship with your female partner or you find yourself inclined to cheat, there isn’t a problem with that.

    There are many posts here about lesbians who feel awkward masturbating exclusively to het porn or two guys, or posts about two het peeps feeling awkward masturbating exclusively to homosexual porn.

    That’s normal and fine! Unless you’ve conditioned yourself with masturbation to _only_ get off one way, that isn’t possible inside your relationship, doesn’t seem like an issue.

  2. Men, hallå där. Jag tyckte väl att jag kände igen ditt username någonstans i bakhuvudet sådär…


    Sexuality not as simple as “gay – like the same sex”, “bisexual – swings both ways” or “hetero – like the opposite sex” because some people in between the definitions find themselves to be sexually attracted to the same sex but romantically keen on the opposite sex. Or the other way around.

    So… I guess that my first question here boils down to what you mean when you say *more into women* …is that romantically? Or is it also sexually? Both answers are obviously perfectly okay, I’m asking more to nudge you to consider, than because it particular matters that much.

    Another thing here to consider is that if your last relationship was with a woman, maybe you *right now* can’t really mentally separate having sex with women and having sex with…a woman you are now doing your very best to forget.

  3. Makes sense. Most bisexuals friends are similar. Basically they prefer on gender for sex and the other for a relationship. Think you need to just accept yourself for what you like. Not a big deal

  4. I’m a bi girl who feel somewhat the same way and my bisexual boyfriend feels the same too (like, he can masturbate to sexy dudes having gay sex, but right before he cums it’s like his brain automatically plays a scene of him with a girl. No matter what, it just has to be there. Similar for me, I can masturbate to women but there just has to be some PIV in there too).

    I’ve never had sex with a woman, and was honestly worried this could become a problem or meant I was really just straight or what. But my boyfriend has had sex with a guy and he doesn’t recall it being a problem or something he thought about while with the guy… it’s only in masturbation.

    This is a very interesting phenomenon and I would love if someone could study it or something, but I don’t think it “means” anything exactly.

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