Currently thinking about moving on from ny girlfriend. Been together for 6 years, Feel like for almost a year now, we have been slowly defining apart. I love her but not in love . She is a great girl and this will blindside her and know there will be pain on both sides but of course more so hers. Ive been such a pussy on pulling the trigger. Which is why I’ve asked you gents

  1. Having been through it a lot there are times I wish I would have looked more at myself and stayed. There are other times when I wish I would’ve left sooner.

    My advice is figure out if there is anything on your side first. If you have to break it, just be honest and quick. “I’m not feeling it and think it’s time for me to move on.”

  2. I have ended two relationships that each lasted 6 years. The first one was easy, we just parted ways mutually. The second one was ugly and brutal but I was leaving her in the first place because she was abusive.

    Anyway, make sure all your personal information, credit cards, important documents, work related access codes, etc, get all that stuff out of there before you do it. You never know how people will react.

  3. We were living a couple hours apart. It was incredibly hard for me, don’t get me wrong, but I knew it would be harder on her, so I drove to her to tell her it wasn’t going to work anymore. After nearly 2 years together, I needed to see her and break it off in person – but no way I wanted her driving afterwards. I also did give her a “I need to talk to you” hint ahead of time.

  4. These are the rules:

    1) Do it at her place (or in public) so you can leave whenever you want.

    2) Do not have any physical contact with her (e.g. hugging, a kiss on the cheek, break-up sex) whatsoever.

    3) Be honest and firm, but not cruel.

    4) Break off contact entirely.

    In my very limited experience, women deal with rejection differently than men, and far less frequently. Be prepared for her to be far more upset than you expect, and do not let it sway you. Good luck.

  5. Given it’s been a 6 year relationship, I’d suggest first doing a lot of honest thinking and reflecting on why you feel this way.

    Chances are you may come to the same conclusion you’re at now, but (and this is a huge but) you may find that your current perspective is skewed and you’re not looking at the bigger picture. Regardless of whether you continue the relationship or not there is almost 100% going to be things that you need to work on to be better partner and if you can’t recognise that now, you’ll end up back in this same position in 6 more years.

    That’s not to say that you should stick it out for the sake of it, but love is a choice, not a feeling. If you feel like you’re not “in love” ask yourself why, ask yourself when did you feel “in love” and what was happening in your relationship at that point in time that was in your control that may no longer be doing.

    I say this because I myself have been here and chose the run option and have regretted it since, I’ve also seen friends do the same thing, some for better some for worse. I know for myself now, if I could go back to where you are now I would’ve done things a lot differently.

  6. Bro you need to take care of you. Women can get themselfs dicked on Tinder dw about that.

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