So about a month ago I could hear a bird chirping behind one of the cavity walls. Roll on today, and there’s about a dozen or more blue bottles in my house every day, bar opening the french doors so they all f off out that way, what else can I do?

  1. There is this old lady I’ve heard about that swallows flies. Might be worth checking her out.

  2. You can get electric tennis rackets for fly hunting. Very effective at quickly killing large numbers.
    If you dont have some underlying cause attracting them in that you can resolve, slaughtering them all tends tovresolve the issue.

  3. It shouldn’t last too long for a bird, really. It’ll be reduced to bone quickly and they’ll piss off.

    We used to get baby birds falling into the cavity every year, luckily they fall out underneath the bathtub so we can rescue them that way. Finally plugged it up early this year and so far so good, nothing cheeping at us from under the tub

    You could put up fly strips in the meantime

  4. This happened in our house when I was a kid, my dad took the wall apart. He got the baby bird out, put it on our back lawn. Within less than five minutes mum swooped down on the lawn and they both flew off together

  5. We had this with our disused fireplace after a bird fell down the flue. We got a thin-mesh fire guard which we taped to the wall surrounding the fireplace to act as a quite effective trap. This contained the flies into what I called the ‘killing cage’ with me systematically spraying fly spray at them until they stopped coming. We’d hoover up the dead flies once a day. Bird corpses dry up pretty quickly so even if it stays in there it won’t stay a problem for long. As long as it’s not an active chimney.

  6. A bug bat.

    I love my bug bat.

    Except the noise it makes scares my cat. Which isn’t great, because we often team up; I kill/stun it with the bug bat when it’s too high up for her to reach, then she gets a nice protein snack!!

  7. Had the exact same situation, heard commotion in my chimney a few weeks ago. Now had 2 mass bluebottle swarms in my back living room. Can only assume a bird has fallen in and died. Its a gas fire so a chimney sweep can’t get to it.

    Not much I can really do short of ripping out the fireplace, same for you. Just get some flyspray and a bug zapper.

  8. How are they getting from inside the cavity to inside your house though? Do you have a hole in your cavity wall?

    For getting rid of them you can buy bottle which you fill with solution and attract all the flies, helped massively at my parents as they have chickens and it’s flies everywhere otherwise. Think they got it from a garden centre or farm shop.

  9. Take a shit on the floor outside, then watch them all converge. Light the shit on fire. Sit back and admire your work.

  10. I filled in every possible cavity they could come through, had a dead rat in a wall cavity that landlords refused to deal with, blow flies will be attracted to warm areas of the house and come through wherever they can. The infestation should end in about 3 weeks but maybe longer if the environment allows

  11. >my dad took the wall apart. He got the baby bird out, put it on our back lawn. Within less than five minutes mum swooped down on the lawn and they both flew off together

    …and your dads name? David Attenborough.

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