Edit: Is not drinking, not bit drinking.

I’m just curious why cultural norms say that drinking is a way to let loose and socialize with people.

But, I have alcoholism in my family and it’s a bad idea to start drinking. My parents worked hard to stop this generational curse and I don’t want to reintroduce it.

I can let loose by not taking my medicine, I have ADHD and I noticed I feel more confident when not on the medicine.

  1. You don’t have to drink a drop of alcohol. You don’t have to worry about social norms. The social norms for Gen Z is to get on dating apps and share dick pics. You don’t have to do that either.

  2. Some people will care. Some people won’t. Just like some people will care that you’re blonde instead of brunette or whatever. The trick is finding the people who don’t care/like it about you. You’re never going to please everyone, so just worry about pleasing the ones you can

  3. I hear you, I have alcoholism in my family and it was on my mind whenever I was drinking. Being sober will, unfortunately, be a deal breaker for some people. Is that a majority? Perhaps, but if it’s important to you then you will need to accept that and live your truth. Same for people who don’t have sex until marriage. It may limit your dating pool because it isn’t the norm, but if it’s that important to you then you need to keep on your path. Things like these are values based, and if you make changes it has to be for you and not what will make others happy. Otherwise you’re likely to resent whoever you end up with because you’ve given up an integral part of yourself just to please them.

  4. It’s only the social norm because the people you’re around all do it. Trust me I get it. My family doesn’t have an event without drinks. Everything for fun is a bar or a party with drinking. You just have to find a group that focuses on other things.

  5. Not at all! Anyone who would judge you for not drinking isn’t worth your time.

  6. Proud of you for not drinking. There are plenty of people that won’t be bothered by it. The ones that are bothered by it? Don’t worry about them. They can find someone to drink with besides you.

  7. I don’t drink. Never have. Never will. Never been a problem.

    And if someone asks me to a bar, I go. You dont have to drink to go to a bar.

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