I’ve suffered from social anxiety through out my life but recently I’ve started to become more out going.

Issue is I can’t find topics to talk about since I have limited past experiences to talk about as most of my time was either spent working, playing video games, going to school and being depressed.

Anyone have tips on what to talk about especially with people you regularly see?

  1. A good way of sparking up a conversation with people you see a lot would be either asking them for their opinion on something, or asking them for advice about something that may be happening in your life, or a situation you’ve recently been in. These kinds of subjects can easily be built upon in many ways by both of you, so they should serve as a good starter. Hope this helps 🙂

  2. That’s the issue, you think too much about what to say. Instead observe and listen to the other person and eventually you will find something to talk about

  3. Start with current events. Then ask questions referencing their answers. Then take interest in the person. You’ll find they will talk about themselves ad nauseum.

  4. People often like to talk about themselves to people who seem interested in what they have to say- and that’s the key, seem interested- so being good at asking questions and looking engaged as they answer and throwing little bits of your own experiences or short stories/info as you find relatability to what they are saying is a good way to have conversations with people and making them want to talk to you again in the future. It also helps to learn about people so you have some new talking points in the future, for example they tell you about a home improvement project they are going to do and the next week you can ask them how that’s going.

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