Do you like, enjoy and trust potential friends/ romantic partners you meet in the nightclub/ bar ?

Hope my questions don’t get too many backlashs. And I’m aware different kind of people go to bars too …

For me,
1. I have gastritis, so I can’t drink alcohol, and also alcohol is expensive
2. I kinda shy, and not a party animal
3. All of my closed friends. And some of the people I like don’t enjoy going to the bar.
4. I have an accent that makes it hard to hear with the loud music
5. My cousin has a wife who ditched him for greencard, and they met in a bar.

All my personal reasons aside. Can you actually make good friends in a bar ?

  1. I enjoy talking to strangers while seated at a bar. I have exceptionally good shallow social skills.

  2. I haven’t been to a club in at least a decade. I frequently meet people at bars, especially if I’m sitting at the bar. It’s an extremely regular part of American culture. Most of the people I meet in the bar I meet for that night only, I’ve never made an actual friend at a bar. It’s a “single serving” friend.

  3. When I went to bars/clubs with the intention of meeting people, I had a shit time. Everybody can smell desperation from 1000 miles away.

    Now, I go with my friends. If we meet people, cool. If not, we drink and dance, and play bar games, and have a good time.

    You find a lot more when you stop looking so hard and are a bit more secure in yourself, which for most people I know comes in your mid-20s.

  4. Only if it’s a club that has a dress code, because I know what type of environment and clientele to expect. I’m not going to local dive bars to meet people, I’m going to local dive bars to get crossfaded with the regulars and play pool for money.

  5. I don’t drink, so I have no reason to go to a bar and I’d rather die than go to a club.

  6. I have found I do better at a fairly quiet bar with a handful of people at the bar itself than a crowded bar. Too loud, too hard to talk, too unlikely someone is there alone.

    My wife and I will go to bars separately, not everyone is going to leave you for a stranger. It’s about trust, really

  7. I like bars and have made many friends at my local dive.

    I hate nightclubs.

  8. I’m not a fab of nighclubs. Some bars are okay, but I typically go there with people I already know.

  9. Simple story to illustrate how you really can meet cool people anywhere.

    I met one of my closest friends at a bar like back in 2017. We were just up at the bar together at the same time for a drink, said hey nonchalantly, and then we were still standing there talking like an hour or two later and I just handed him my phone and said gimme your number we’re gunna be best fucking friends lol, and we have been close every since. You can meet people anywhere. Bar people aren’t any different than anyone else, they just happen to be standing inside a bar.

  10. I didn’t until I moved back to my small hometown. It was summer and we were living off 6 years of savings and the sale of our old house. I went to a local bar in the afternoon while my wife stayed at the city pool with the kids. After about 4 days in a row a guy who was off union work rehabbing a badly broken leg asked if I had my mailbox up outside yet. He was simply breaking the ice to say I’m a regular now and let’s talk. We ended up good friends and he introduced me around. It was precisely like the Cheers bar on TV. We drank beer, threw darts, had cookouts and treated each other like family. Bear, the bar owner, and so many others are gone now. Some had cancer, some heart attacks, and some had accidents(car, boat, and motorcycle)

  11. I prefer to meet people through shared interests and activities. In my mid-to-late 20’s, that did mean bars and nigthclubs – but a lot has changed since then, while my strategy for making new friends has not.

  12. Bars, sure. Most of the new friends I’ve made and I guess about half of the women I’ve dated were people I met in bars.
    I tend to avoid “nightclubs” and the loud music nights. I go to a bar a few times to meet the staff and the regulars, then come back on a busier/noisier night to meet more people.

    In my circle there are a couple of ex-alcoholics and 2 diabetics that avoid alcohol. They drink coffee, tea, diet soda, or water.

  13. Sure, I’ve met plenty of good people at those sorts of places and made plenty of friends, met partners, and made other social connections through them.

    However, not all of those places are the same. In the case of clubs that’s even the case from night to night, as it’s not uncommon for them to host different shows/events/themes that can attract wildly different crowds.

    You have to find the kinds of places that fit you and attract the kind of people you’d want to get to know.

    Places that I like: Pubs, beer bars/breweries, the more fun/friendly variety of dive bar, metal bars, goth/alt clubs (or club nights), anywhere a band I like is playing.

  14. Old now. So it’s mostly all over. But most my best long term friends were met in the bar. Now this comes with issues. Ten percent have died over 25 years. The rest drink less and are mostly successful. But these are ride and die friends.

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