I’m a 22yo male living with my mother but we constantly have arguments and fights because we are completely different. I’m a very liberal person while my mother is very conservative. She’s also a control freak that helicopters me all the time. The biggest argument in the past was me coming out as an atheist and since she’s very religious, it ended up being a big fight.
Now another massive fight happened because she found my ‘toys’, and the fact that I’m gay. We live like roommates where we share the bills 50/50 but recently I quit my job due to stress and suicidal thoughts and the fact that I’m returning to college to get a degree. Currently I don’t pay all the bills but only some of them.
I don’t have any friends due to constantly moving and me being bad with people in general, it’s the reason why I never moved out until now. But it’s becoming too much now. Should I move out and go no contact with my mother or should I try to work it out? We don’t get along at all and I don’t have anyone to turn to. Please I need advice.

Tl;dr: should I move out of my mother’s apartment and go no contact with her due to us constantly fighting?

  1. Yes, absolutely. You should move out anyway because you’re 22 and learning to manage a household without parental involvement is a valuable life skill, but especially if life with her is eroding your mental health.

  2. I don’t know if you need to go no contact with her, but it sounds like it’d be good for your mental health to get out on your own and make some friends.

  3. If you don’t get along at all, just move out.

    Don’t even wonder about contact/no contact – get your life together, get your finances together.

  4. > We live like roommates where we share the bills 50/50 but recently I quit my job due to stress and suicidal thoughts and the fact that I’m returning to college to get a degree.

    You may want to edit your post here to clarify whether you’ll still be paying your half of the bills. It matters a lot for the type of advice you’ll get.

  5. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this. If there’s any way for you to afford moving out you absolutely should. You might have to figure out a way to get financial assistance from the unemployment department or your school but it sounds like something that will absolutely be worth it in the long run. I wish you the best & to always remember to take care of yourself.

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