How do you navigate being attracted to other women while in a relationship/marriage?

  1. What is there to navigate? Attraction is just that, attraction. You don’t need to do anything with it.

  2. Just because I’d like to fuck you doesn’t mean I’m gonna ruin my life for that. No girl is ever gonna be worth that risk

  3. You distract ur girl, then look as much as you can till she turns around and then to another shop while you take one last look.

  4. Step 1: don’t let that shit become emotional attachment.

    Step 2: don’t flirt

    Step 3: bring up pictures of your girlfriend and leave them up for everyone in the room to see

    Step 4: bring up your girlfriend in conversation

  5. Realizing the consequences for cheating and how it fucks up relationships. No, thank you.

  6. First you say “damnnn woman… I see you, damn” in your head then you go about your business and in 5.6 seconds you forgot what you even saw

  7. Just because something is in your head doesn’t mean it’s what you are. It’s what you act on that matters.

  8. Comments here are on spot. The thing is some people are not raised this way. They are like children: me feels me wants. Nothing else matters.

  9. I like art, I’m not going to rip art off the wall and take it home.

    You’re an adult responsible for you own actions. There is no ‘navigate’.

  10. If you have an overwhelming urge to fuck other people then you’re probably not ready for a relationship. Break up and sow your oats.

  11. My dude if you are doing what you should and nurturing your relationship with your wife then the other women will all seem insignificant.

    Learn to be grateful for what you have and realize the grass is greener on the side that’s watering it. It sounds like you haven’t been watering your side much if you’re being tempted.

  12. Acting on the attraction takes a monumental amount of effort. It is far easier to do nothing at all.

    There’s a moral reason why people don’t cheat, but there’s also a very practical reason. Cheating is REALLY difficult for most men.

  13. Doesnt matter what gets the motor running as long as it gets parked in the right garage

  14. With self control.

    There was a question like this asked yesterday. Either it’s to farm karma or the OPs really just think so little of men that they figure we’ll try to fuck anything at the drop of a hat.



    OP has 15 karma points in 2 years?

    Well, I guess I have my answer!

  15. I’m not sure what you’re asking. You either say “she’s attractive” and go about your day, or you pursue her and cheat.

  16. You avoid that other woman, don’t talk to her, don’t think about her etc, until the limerence fades.

  17. I am confident that no other woman could be half what she is, for me. Attraction is way more than looks.

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