My ex gf \[38F\] and me \[27M\], I left her 6 months ago.

The last month she, her daughter and her mom left my apt, they move to Canada (she is ukranian, so in Canada they offer support and gave visa for all of them for free for 3 years).

In December also we broke for 2 days because we had some fights, she was always with her kid and around her kid, they are also sleeping together, we didn’t have any date and more stuffs lead us to some fights and we broke up, but we back again, I mostly did for the kid and maybe I was being too selfish asking her to be more romantic or even sleep together in the same bed.

In my birthday we did nothing special, some meal all together, drink a little and that’s all, not even a kiss, I guess I was stressed because she was pressuring me when we will get married and so on and her mom kinda put some condition about we should not sleep together until we get married.

Idk we had some fights, I left the apartment and I regret the second day but I didn’t back, back then we talk sometimes, the kid miss me and I miss the kid, but I guess she is not.

Then I ask her what was her plan she told me she will move to Canada, she is awaiting on Visa, she said “would be good if you come with us, we start this travel with you, we can continue” (the travel was leave Ukraine to come to my country).

I was scared because in Canada I would be nothing more another immigrant (im software developer) and I read about people who needs to work as cashier or in the oil rigs or in construction which I would do it, I don’t care, but in my country I have a job and I could support all of us (not the best conditions she wants, but we always had food, tv, games and a place to live).

In some occasion she ask if I though to go to Canada or if I found a job there, remote job or some company which will relocate me, maybe she wants me there.

I do really want to stay with the kid, I miss the kid every single day and I see on her instagram she is so happy now, she is so happy in Canada and the kid is so happy too and I want to live the same, but with them.

During all this time I tried to forget her, but I just cannot, this whole 6 months I think about her all the time, about the kid, about how shitty is my country since she told me, she is being so happy there and maybe that’s what we need to be all happy, maybe we had some fights, but there it can be different that’s why I’m thinking to do anything to apply for a visa and go there, but as I know, I cannot go to Canada and just live, depends of the visa you will have more rights to stay or not.

I do want to stay with her and her kid, I really miss her, that place looks nice and the life looks nice, but I don’t know if she miss me, the kid does I know, the little time we share after we broke up, the kid was so happy and smiling with me and so sad when I leave.

I know my ex and me we had problems, she wants a nice life, a ring and stay with her kid at home and I want some love, some date, some sex in some point, maybe I was being selfish, but now staying all this time alone, I know I will not find any other girl like her, idk if she loves me, I guess no, but the kid does and maybe I can stay there for the kid, idk what to do, everything reminds me to her and the kid and the fact she is happy now just because she has a better apartment is maybe what we need.

What would you do if you would know she is the love of your life and you are already in love with her and her kid and you know you have no possibility to have the same kid ever in your life?

TLDR: I broke with my gf because for the future I think we will want different things, but I really miss her kid, it was like my kid and I know I will be alone the rest of my life, should I back to her?

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