I don’t know that I really need advice, just had to get it out of my system-

I (45M) had an explicit, extremely realistic sex dream about a coworker (40ish? F) I’m happily married and have never really thought about this person in that way. Due to our professional positions, a relationship (even if we were both single) would be completely inappropriate. I very rarely have sexual dreams of any kind and this was so vivid, it kind of freaked me out.

I’m just wondering why my brain zapped that into my head? Does it mean anything?

  1. Sexual dreams, like morning erections, are not something we have any control over snd generally indicate nothing more than health hormone levels.

    Dreams like fantasies have little basis in the reality of what you actually want. You are not being unfaithful, nor do you have any desire for this coworker. Even if did desire her it is not evil. You are married not dead.

    My wife came home from the hospital one day and said I had a hot new resident today. He was really cute and I found myself checking out his package as best I could through scrubs.

    Was she cheating? No, she is a healthy attractive female. She is confident enough in our love and commitment to tell me. She may hope I will be aware enough of her arousal to take care of her needs. Lol. Attraction to others does not end with marriage- acting on that attraction ends.

  2. I’ve had sex dreams about random people I’ve never consciously thought of in a sexual way. I’ve had people I barely knew (or thought about) in elementary school pop into my dreams as an adult. Dreams are funny that way. Sometimes you can explain why parts of your dreams make sense, but often you cannot.

  3. It’s a dream. Dreams don’t have any deeper meaning. They’re just random thoughts.

  4. It’s just a dream. Last week I had a sex dream about snoop dogg, I don’t fancy snoop and I can’t remember the last time I even seen him on anything. Dreams don’t mean anything, it’s just ya brain sorting memories and inputs you had throughout the day and making up nonsensical shit.

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