I’m a [28F] and my BF of 4 years [47M] broke up with me 3 weeks ago for another woman. He still wants to be friends, and I’m really struggling to move on.

He still keeps his stuff at my house as he has no where else to put it. He is permanently with the other woman and likes to highlight how much fun he is having.

We message still and it’s driving me crazy. I cannot tell what he wants anymore. He says to me don’t disappear but leave me alone. I personally want to throw my phone into a river as I hate waiting for messages from him as he never replies.

I cannot take this anymore. So much has happened and I’m still trying to accept he is with her now, plus all the other crap he has told me. I just want to move on, but I’m struggling to let go of him. Please help as it’s making me so depressed.

  1. Yeah that’s why you don’t stay friends with your ex.

    Stop talking to him and let him come get his stuff, if you wanna move on from him you need to stop seeing him or interacting with him in any way.

    Start a new chapter in your life without him in it that’s the easiest way to move on.

  2. Sounds like he’s keeping you around as a backup. Is that what you really want to be?

    Pack up his shit and drop them off at his place he’s using it as an excuse to still be tied to you. Your home is not a storage unit. Then after that block and delete his number.

  3. Girl you deserve way more than that, set your boundaries and erase him of your life.

    Go to a hard No Contact I can’t believe you’ll be able to be in a healthy friendship with the info you provided

  4. Sometimes you have to let go. I know it’s hard, but if you really want to move on with your life you’re going to have to do it. Tell him to get a storage unit for his stuff, that’s not your responsibility. I know it seems like it’s never going to get any better but I promise you it is. I don’t know if therapy is an option for you but it helps millions of people everyday. What’s past is past, you have to look forward to the future. You’re young and you still have tons and tons of life ahead of you. Lots of beautiful things to still do and see. Wishing you the best of luck

  5. Okay you’re gonna have to block him on social media at the very least. Texting might be okay but if he keeps bragging about a new girl then ignore him. You need to stay busy and preoccupied. Getting over someone takes time, so mentally prepare yourself. It’s okay if you struggle months down the line, it’s gonna happen. Just work on yourself as best you can.

  6. You’ve broken up and he’s with someone else. What “relationship advice” are you looking for when there’s no relationship. Stop being a doormat, tell him to pick up his crap and stop calling/texting him. That’s how you get over someone not by letting them walk all over you and string you along. Get some hobbies, spend time with friends and family and stop obsessing.

  7. Please. Just throw his stuff out and block him. He is using you as a storage closet. Let his new girl deal with all this and he might end up losing her anyways. Just image him trying to coax her into holding his stuff, doing him favors, all this tedious stuff early on in the relationship. She’s gonna get sick of him fast and it’s gonna make you feel a whole lot better seeing that

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