Living alone myself i ponder this from time to time as i feel i need electricity to spend time (gaming, internet, streaming) and wonder what i would do without it

  1. Have the ability to create a fire/candles at home and read books, BBQ-grill food.

  2. Read all the books I’ve ordered on Amazon and never had the time to read.

    Draw a bit, I used to draw really well when I was younger but it kinda went by the wayside

  3. Read, write, draw, play acoustic guitar, fix things around the house during sunlight

  4. Play Oasis songs on my acoustic guitar until my wife tells me to stop… Just so I can “say maybe”.

  5. Spend time with my cat, meditate, walk up and down the hallway in boredom

  6. Fire up the ham radio (battery) and enjoy the bands without RF interference.


    Also, get the bikes out.

  7. I’d read and write. I have several portable batteries so I’d still be able to write quickly with my laptop.

  8. I’d turn off the main circuit breaker in the house, plug in my generator, fire it up, and play video games.

  9. Buy a UPS for your Wi-Fi router and modem! If you use a laptop you’re good if your battery is charged. You can also buy a decently sized UPS for your TV (1500 VA is a good size).

  10. Id see how many times I could bounce a basketball in an hour then I’d try and break that record.

  11. Play with the dog, do some reading of the pile of books I have, try my hand at drawing maybe

  12. Play instruments and read, probably clean and reorganize my crap too. Bodyweight workout if I can’t make it to the gym.

  13. you got a problem if youre that dependent of technology. learn to be alone with your thoughts

  14. Is this a serious question? That’s concerning to me. Have you never spent a day not gaming, using the internet or streaming content? It’s really not hard, projects in my space, cleaning, organizing, reading, playing with my cats, cooking. An entire day without electricity doesn’t seem hard to fill. A week or month? Yeah, I’ve had to do the week and it was lame mostly due to it being a disaster… but a day is just a good Saturday.

  15. Paint my bathroom, finish the floor trim, sand and paint some cupboards, organize my collectables, deep clean. There’s yardwork to do as well. I’d keep busy during the day. Night time would be harder.

  16. Are you afraid of a blackout or afraid of being alone with your thoughts and zero distractions?

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