I (21F) am contemplating texting a guy (24M). He lives in my street, we follow each other on Instagram and have seen each other around town a couple times (my girlfriends said he was checking me out last time). Now we’ve never talked before but I’m a very blunt, straight-forward kind of person. I don’t like smalltalk so if I’m gonna text him I’ll just go for “Hey, would you like to grab a drink sometime?”. Is that too much?

UPDATE: You guys, thanks for hyping me up! I finally found my balls and texted him. He was just active on Instagram so now we wait and watch the office for the umpteenth time to distract ourselves. 🫡

UPDATE 2: He asked how it’s going (don’t know how to reply I hate small talk) and said we can do that soon :)) thanks guys! really needed the confidence boost!!

  1. Just do it the worst he can say is no he probably didn’t say anything because he didn’t wanna look like a creep if he got rejected

  2. I think that’s a perfectly reasonable way to break the ice and see what happens!

  3. If he’s really into you he would appreciate it if he just into hookups you can sense that as well

  4. fuck yeah do it. Guys are not like girls. You can be direct with them.

    If it was a girl you wanted to text That approach would probly not work sadly 🙄

  5. Women being more straightforward would solve a significant amount of dating-related confusion. Go for it.

  6. I’ve done that so many times! They always were hyped! Most even still insisted on paying, even though I said I would bc I initiated the date 🙃

  7. I was expecting a “wanna fuck?” kind of message, but asking for drinks is not too direct. I think it’s a perfect way of asking someone out

  8. That’s called being real and doing shit the right way instead of playing a bunch of playground flirting bs. So no its not too direct. And if he feels or says it is then he has issues not worth dealing with. Js

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