What’s something you used to be cheap on, until you tried a high-quality version, and now you can’t go back?

  1. clothing – i buy a few fairly expensive tops and pants that can be mixed and matched and have them last forever haha

  2. Body soap! I used to buy run of the mill liquid soap (Dial, Dove, Nivea, etc.) and then started buying artisanal bar soap from local stores around me. It cost a bit more, but it’s a more relaxing shower experience, smells better, does wonders for my skin, and I get to support small local businesses! It’s a win-win.

  3. Ketchup and barbecue sauce. You can’t beat Heinz.

    Also shoes, comfort and quality matter so much.

  4. Running shoes. The mechanics of your body will fuck you up later on if you don’t take care of yourself.

  5. Perfume. I used to use body sprays, but once I discovered perfume, that was it. I never looked back

  6. Skincare. I used to only buy drugstore products until I tried a sample of a moisturizer from Sephora and I had to buy it. It was $38 (which is still cheap for Sephora products, honestly) but I can’t go back to drugstore after that.

    EDIT: It’s the Belif Aqua Bomb moisturizer

  7. Hair products. My dad was a real store-brand-is-just-as-good kind of guy, and it took some convincing to get him to buy me even Pantene when I was a teenager.

    He of course has extremely fine, thin, straight hair and was fairly balding by 45. I have very curly hair and wear it long.

    I gotta say, the $25/bottle stuff I’m using now is miles better than Pantene, never mind the store brand.

  8. Bed sheets. I bought some 1,000 thread count sheets and now when I travel or sleep somewhere else it doesn’t feel as good.

  9. Medications. I know they claim that the generic versions are the same but theyre not. Ive had bad reactions to generic meds i dont have to name brand. And i know a lot of other people who have too (ie, my brother has a number of grand mal seizures if they give him generic seizure meds and not the name brand ones hes suppose to be on. The name brand has his seizures down to 1-2 a year.)

    Also pads. Ive used cheap one and leaked like crazy. I can only use always infinity

    And cast iron. Its Lodge or nothing

  10. Shoes. I got the memory foam soles and will never put any other shoe on my foot again.

    Work? Sneakers. Walk? Sneakers. Dinner date? Fab dress and fucking sneakers. IDGAF what people think of me. When I get cremated, I want my memory foam sneakers on my feet.

  11. Food, both the ingredients and the complexity of the dishes themselves.

    It’s the one thing I’m not willing to compromise on no matter how strained my finances. I will never go back to hating having to eat again.

  12. Boots. It’s gut wrenching to shell out $300 for a pair of work boots, but my feet have never been happier. Plus I’ve had this pair since Jan 2011, and they’re still going strong for near daily use. Might have to resole them soon, though.

    Hair product. Grew up using Pantene. Recently switched to JVN shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in, and the difference is phenomenal. My lifeless hair is now full of bounce and super soft.

    Period underwear. I’m so thankful not to be shoving cotton up my hoohah or feeling plastic squish between my thighs as I walk. Plus, no more ruining bed sheets or underwear I like.

    Kitchen Aid mixer. Why does it work so much better?? I have no idea. At least my recipes no longer come out lumpy from not being mixed proper.

    Edit: Spelling issues caused by fat thumbs on a tiny phone screen.

  13. I don’t know why it’s not at the top but bras. I spent so long buying bras from the lingerie rack in forever 21 it was a miracle getting one that fit better and lasted longer. No more underwire stabbing me and a lot less back pain.

  14. A menstrual cup!
    I cannot describe how much better it made my period days. No mess and way less discomfort than when I was using pads and tampons. Never going back!

  15. Wheelchairs. When I first needed a wheelchair I was like “well a wheelchair is a wheelchair” and got a cheap, generic $150 wheelchair online and was like “yay, now I don’t have to go through the government and all the BS of getting one custom made because that sounds exhausting”. I nearly destroyed my shoulders and it wasn’t until I relented and admitted I wasn’t managing and went through all the proper assessments to get a fully customized, ultra lightweight, rigid frame chair for $3000 through the government assistance program that I was able to fully realize the potential I still have, even as a disabled person. Also, for those who don’t realize the cost of disability equipment, $3000 for a full time wheelchair is still pretty cheap. My friend with similar disabilities did crowd funding to help her get an even fancier wheelchair then the government programs covered and she wound up with a wheelchair priced over $10,000. That was for a manual rigid frame wheelchair, not a fancy power chair or sit to stand chair or anything electric or with push assist or anything. $10,000 for just a manual wheelchair that she self propels in. I can’t imagine myself ever going quite THAT fancy personally, and I am super happy with my $3000 fully funded chair, but the more expensive features and models and customization DEFINITELY make a huge difference over the institutional 60 pound steel monstrosities the Red Cross lends out.

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