Context: She was assigned randomly to my route, and I called her on the way to her house from my personal phone, as I do with all clients. While I was there do the estimate, we talked and laughed a lot and she told me a few personal things about herself, like what her name means in her native language, what it was like growing up in Iraq, things that felt like they might be a little flirty or a subtle way of giving me a little more info about herself than she might give someone else. I complimented her on how unique her name was and how it definitely reflected her personality, and I could have sworn she blushed a little. I am always very friendly and personable, but even more so with her, while still being respectful and professional. But Imma be real, I was 1000% flirting with her. Just keeping it 100. She is really, really attractive, 100% my type (I absolutely adore Middle Eastern girls). When I was leaving, she stopped me and offered me some traditional Persian pistachio candies, which I gladly accepted. They were magnificent. The thought came to me about texting her to tell her how much I enjoyed the candies, then seeing where it went from there.

My question is twofold – first of all, do y’all think she was really flirting with me, or just being friendly? And secondly, would it be weird/creepy/inappropriate to text her? I honestly have no idea how to gauge these types of situations, given that I am both on the spectrum and have not been single for a very long time (I was married for the last 15 years until she cheated on me with her personal trainer and we got divorced). TIA or your input.

  1. If she didn’t willingly give you her number (you have it because of work) then yes it’s over the line. I was just talking to my husband earlier about getting sexually harassed at work. Just because a girl is beautiful, “has a unique name” and is nice to you doesn’t mean she’s interested. Can’t people just be without someone ALWAYS hitting on them????
    If she didn’t ask for you number or for you to contact her again then please don’t.

  2. Dude, give it a shot. She’s going to tell you when it’s not ok. Girls do this shit all the time and nobody says a damn thing. I worked with many clients and flirting with me and they handed me their nr. or started following me on socials, and things just happened.

  3. I say shoot your shot but don’t act like a weirdo if she rejects you, just move on and act like nothing happened.

  4. Ask yourself if it’s worth losing your job over to find out and you’re wrong. I would be flattered, but really uncomfortable and freaked out if a man who’d been in my house contacted me without my consent to see if I was interested.

  5. Creepy is subjective. I would weigh the benefits vs the costs.

    Benefits: She might go on a date with you.

    Costs: You might get fired.

  6. I would find it creepy and definitely inappropriate. Ask your boss lol. You could get fired.

    I agree with the other commenter who said if she was interested she would give you her number. She isn’t expecting you to show up one day and ask her out. She’s not expecting anything from you. And if she is expecting you to break data protection law to contact her then she’s probably not someone you should consider dating.

  7. Is this a long term client? Or one you will be done with in a month or two?

    If it’s “client until the job is done” just wait until it’s over and then maybe ask if it’s okay to reach out to her in the future.

    But as others have said, I think it would be inappropriate to attempt something if she is an active client.

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