Everyone seems to be obsessed about self help and self improvement now that the world is starting to realize that most men feel forgotten and disenfranchised.

  1. They will be hammered up at home after work, kids are in bed, lawn mowed bills paid and wondering how the new crop of pussies are doing.

  2. I think the self help thing is already collapsing and it will be obvious in a few years

  3. It might work out for some people, but lots of them will go after their distractions or just rage quit life. Three different ways to get rid of their problems.

  4. I think the self help is good. Might get to soft at times. But bettering yourself is always a good idea.

  5. Either burnt out or have vastly improved lives. Self help/improvement enriches your life, but if it’s not sustainable and the effort too huge, I’d think some men will give up the fight and just veg out.

    On the other hand, some men will realize their life upgraded immensely and would be very satisfied with what they achieved.

  6. The determination of if self help works or not is who helps you decide how to help yourself.

  7. I’m on self improvement journey. It’s not just books or podcasts though. It’s long term therapy getting me actually work through stunner deep shit.

    If everybody was equipped to just do it themselves, there wouldn’t be professionals outer medication. It’s not sustainable on your own. Those people aren’t doing themselves favors.

    I’m 2.5 years deep and I’m still just at the beginning.

  8. There was this quote I think about every once in awhile.

    “Ironically, I feel the whole self development trend sometimes can be detrimental when taken to far. It seems than nowhere in history has the self (and also the ego) been stronger than in current times. But the self is that which suffers which is why so many people suffer. Mental illness has never been higher.”

  9. I think self help has always been a thing. Don’t think it’s anything new or this is the self help generation

  10. This has been going on since the 60’s. It isn’t specific to the current generation. And they’ll be fine.

  11. A lot of people’s frustrations being diverted into innocuous economically friendly activities, whether they reach the better life or they get burnt out and thrown into the gutter

  12. *”Where do ya’ll think this whole “Self Help” generation is going to be at in a decade?”*

    Needing help.

  13. A large portion of them aren’t helping themselves so much as becoming very practiced at justifying bad behavior.

  14. Most of the people obsessed with it never get the actual help they need. It’s a crutch

  15. If they stick to it they’ll be more emotionall mature rhan the past few generations

  16. I think people are going to be way more narcissistic because of it. A “anyone who doesn’t behave/act in the exact way I want all the time is toxic” mindset

  17. Moat people will learn they should of had their shit together before they needed self help books. Basically they are a burden by then and too late to help.

  18. Considering how much crap info is out there, not in as good a place as they could be.

  19. The self help movement goes back to the 1920s at least, so everyone now living is part of the self-help generation.

    Which is my way of saying “your question is unclear”.

  20. If find it ironic, that the first generation to have meritocracy not just removed from their lives at a young age but actively taught is a negative thing, is now obsessed with self help and improvement as if they are missing something important from their lives that they can’t quite figure out.

  21. I would hope that they have grown into strong and confident people that would help others and not victimize themselves

  22. Lonely, childless, and on anti-depressants if the modeling from investment firms is to be believed.

  23. If it makes a dent in the generational trauma, in a better place. But considering how much generational trauma there is it will take quite a few generations to fix. Especially as the worst men are often the ones who don’t think they need help.

  24. Honestly, and I might be a bit older than most folks in here, it’s not a new thing. The 60s/70s/80s had a TON of that kind of thing. The sheer number of cults arising out things that started as self-help groups during those years is staggering.

    For example, Werner Erhard started his Erhard Seminars Training (EST) training in the 1970s and that has evolved into many offshoots, including Landmark Education.

    And all that was years before anyone paid any attn to how men felt lol. I think there is a generational ebb and flow to self-help group prominence, similar to the ebb and flow of generational retirement.

    To answer the question though, I’d say it’s not going to have that much of an effect at all compared to other times/generations. Some will expose themselves to good self-help approaches, some to less effective ones. And some of both of those groups will do well and not do well. The ones that do well will be held up as examples of that approach working. Those folks will pass on their “secret”. Rinse, repeat.

  25. > Everyone seems to be obsessed about self help and self improvement

    No, most people are identifying themselves with a label and expecting everyone else to accommodate them.

    There’s a reason good comedy is funny, because good comedy is true.


  26. I think the goal is for each generation to be in a better place than the last, so if they’ve done their jobs right it’ll result in more empathy and people struggling less in general, it won’t make it go away of course, but the burden of life should ultimately lessen with each subsequent generation (older generations who whine about how “easy” young people have it are honestly just narcissistic, they want others to suffer just because they did and, frankly, they’re hypocritical as well because they’ll so often brag about how much they’ve done to help the current generation along)

  27. I think peoples obsession with themselves will turn out to be a bad thing, particularly when it comes to identity. There will be less stress per person yet there will be a huge mental health crisis.

    We’ll learn the benefits of adversity and then have to rebuild some of that in to our lives, especially by the time AI/machines have made our lives significantly easier and stress free.

  28. I applaud the effort. With fathers becoming increasingly more absent, devalued, or castrated we need to look to something for guidance. Too bad most the info is garbage and we won’t be helping ourselves because we’ll be assimilating the wrong information and making ourselves weaker or worse.

  29. Based on the YouTube videos I’ve seen, they’ll all be “entrepreneurs” making billions in 100% passive income.

  30. I’d say worse than “self help generation” is this type of post

    “why is everyone trying to improve themself instead of suffering like me. Snowflakes”

  31. Everyone reading this should look at OP’s post history. He submitted questions about feeling isolated and lonely to this sub 2 weeks ago. And then talks about young men being “degenerate” as the reason he has such trouble in life socializing

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