What behaviors, personality’s or slights have made you want to ignore someone at work, school or anywhere really? From a friend group conversation or clique

  1. The older I get, the more I appreciate surrounding myself with the kinds of people who help move my life in a positive direction.

    This means I tend to end associations with quite a few “types” of people. For example – whiners and complainers, chronic excuse-makers, pessimists, passive-aggressive folks, political extremists, those who derive joy from cruelty, perpetual victims, drama queens, people who aren’t open-minded or curious, emotionally-fragile people, most people with severe personality disorders, etc.

    Basically, I’ve come to realize life is too short to be miserable, so miserable people are avoided.

  2. I exclude people who do nothing to improve their lives, as well as the extremely selfish

  3. I try my best to be open to everyone, but I might occasionally exclude someone if they require a lot of extra care and attention. For instance, I have a friend who is _severely_ mentally ill and I really want to be there for them, but from my experience, there is a very high chance that they’ll have an episode and they’ll need to be calmed down and driven home with one or two people who are accustomed to helping them through episodes. I have to be very selective about what type of environment I’m putting them in and who’s in attendance in order to guarantee their comfort and safety, so that unfortunately means they’re not going to be invited to the gatherings where we can’t keep a close eye on them.

  4. I’m open to most people…but there are certain type of people I try to avoid.

    Bigots, people who intentionally spark up drama, people who can’t handle differences in opinions, witch hunters, people who refuse to admit their in the wrong, people who treats others as less than because they have mental health struggles, etc.

    Assholes, basically.

  5. My brother smokes delta8 dabs infront of kids. I’m like please chill dude. My mom says it’s OK it’s legal. I’m like but… he smokes so much he mumbles to himself in public and is unresponsive to basic communication. I put them on my exclude list

  6. Ignoring boundaries, attention seeking, and arrogance.

    An ex friend of mine talks IRL as if he’s still in the bowels of reddit. Monologuing about either extremely political or extremely sexually inappropriate topics. Starting arguments with others, needing to ‘win’ said arguments. And the worst IMO, *explaining to others their own areas of expertise*.

    He doesn’t listen in the slightest, he just needs to be **right**.

    And that’s why I blocked his number after I graduated.

  7. When they embarrass you in public. Mostly crying or whining for the tiniest reason, or just acting too immaturely in general makes me want to exclude them. idrk

  8. Someone who has a lot of complaints or like super high standards. For example, friend group would agree to eat at this place and they would insist to go to a different place because they don’t like to eat there etc etc. Also, someone who doesn’t know when to stop joking around or who would always insult you as a joke.

  9. Attention seekers who always talk over others or people who are straight up rude and disguise it as being “honest and real”

  10. bigots, bullies, and absolute chatterboxes who don’t take cues to let others speak lol

  11. Really really rude people. like I get it if your rude once everyone has an off day but when it happens multiple time to multiple people it’s reflective of the person.

  12. Overly negative people, those who constantly whine and complain about everything, those who always make unnecessary drama, as5holes, rude and cruel people,….

  13. I never thought about this until I realized I distance myself from people who cheat on their partners. Just, nope.

  14. Inconsiderate, snake, money grabbers. My three least favourite personality traits.

  15. Arrogance. I know it all, I know it better than you and I’m the better than everyone behaviour.

  16. If their a taker only. But want me to give give give. Two face. Toxic people

  17. Arrogant people and people who use joking as a way to hurt you. People who don’t treat others with human decency

  18. One’s who always borrow stuff, take my stuff without my permission solely because we’re “friends” and only want the benefit without helping me when I need help. Lmao never again

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