In 8 days it’ll be my 3 yr anniversary with my bf(18M) and I’m rlly excited for it. (I’m 18F)

But…recently I’ve been feeling somewhat neglected. For instance, we haven’t rlly gone out just the 2 of us on a date or a drive for a while, unless he’s taking me home or picking me up. There’s always someone else in the car or we’re always out with our group of the boys and a few of their girlfriends. It’s not because he doesn’t want to go out just with me, but because he can’t say no to the boys. He has huge FOMO (fear of missing out) and I have it too but even then I still want some nights where it’s just us 2. I’ve brought it up with him before and he’s said that he’s already either made plans in the morning before I bring it up to him or he’s too tired. He works a full-time labour job that involves lots of physical activity so I get when he’s tired. He always takes a nap at home after coming from work. But majority of the time the one place where it’s just us 2 is his place, but even then his parents are walking around and he has 2 brothers who don’t often knock. So it would be nice if we could go out more often just us 2.

I’ve told him before that I don’t mind at all when he sees the boys, but when he does it without planning anything for us 2 it gets on my nerves cause it’s like he forgets about us. I know you fellow readers don’t have context for what sort of person he is but I wanna make it clear that he is a keeper: we have lots of similarities, he’s good looking, has always gotten me beautiful gifts for my bday and Christmas, and has always been there for me when I’ve had a panic attack or if I’m having issues at home. Like he’s amazing, it ajist this one thing I don’t know how to bring up to him because I’d like it if we could go out on more dates just us 2. Doesn’t even have to be a date, it can be for a drive and we do some stuff you know. I just donno how to bring it up to him cause last time I did he sort of came up with justifications and I didn’t wanna argue. I just hope for our anniversary we do something nice.

TL;DR: Idk how to make my bf realise that I’d like for us to go out on more dates because we always go out with other people.

  1. Plan dates for just the two of you. A relationship is a two-way street. If you want to go out, plan it.

  2. 1. Required elements for all submissions

    **Ages, genders and relationship length**

    Advice differs depending on your age, gender and many other factors. Career advice for an 18 year old man and a 65 year old woman would be quite different. Different genders experience the world differently, and sadly are treated differently by the world, and we need to understand this context to give advice. Feel free to indicate other genders such as NB (nonbinary). For transgender users, please indicate this as you feel is best. We try and be sensitive to the difficulties in description here, but the fact that you are a trans man or trans woman is often going to be germane to your post.

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