I have been dating my GF for over a year now and the relationship is solid. Back story to the title is that I have been noticing for a while she hasn’t been responding to me through text as often as she used to and things have been dry between our conversations. It also doesn’t help i’ve been watching all these reddit tiktoks about all these stories about all these peoples S/O’s emotionally and physically checking out of a relationship and I got worried and insecure and I decided to check her phone while she was asleep. (we share each others passwords for our phones and there have been instances where she has opened and looked through my phone as well) I opened discord and I found her messages with her one online friend who she has been playing video games with a lot and talking about a lot to me. I found messaging ranging from “i love you’s” to “i’m gonna make you fall for me” and “you and me are a match and me and my bf isn’t” obviously after i found these I was enraged and I woke her up in the middle of the night to confront her about it. She claims it’s a joke between them and she gets upset invalidating my feelings. I don’t know what to do at this point and this isn’t the first time she got “too friendly” with her online friends. Should I be more upset about this? Should I be the one to try to fix things?

  1. Really? Dude. I’m sorry OP but those very very obviously were not jokes. It sounds like she has cheated in the past, and is cheating now. There’ no point in even considering staying when she is a repeated cheater who is telling you the most obvious lie in history.

    Yes the old ‘I’ll tell else someone else I love them” joke. Quite the classic. Sorry OP -if someone else told you this story you’d slap them upside the head. Time to move on.

  2. Dump her and go on,
    You know that was a cheating because you post here,

    Why she talk about you if she just joke and why she didn’t write it in the message to her freind to explain that was a joke….

    She will leave you when she will be sure about her freind….

  3. If I were in your shoes, personally I don’t think I would believe that it’s a joke. Even if it was intended as a joke, “you and me are a match and me and my bf isn’t” would hurt me a lot if someone I was dating said it.

    Considering that this is apparently a pattern for her, and the excuse of it being a joke is pretty flimsy, I would end this if I were you. This isn’t on you to “fix,” it seems like she’s already made it clear how she feels.

  4. She ain’t the one my guy, read this story back to yourself, she’s emotionally invested in someone else & if y’all make it through this, she’s just going to do it again

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