Ladies, how often do you change your washcloths for showering?

  1. I use a shower poof and that thing has never been changed. I will run it into the ground.

  2. I try to change it out every week or so but if I’m being realistic with myself like every 2 months

  3. Whenever I do laundry, I throw it in. That way I don’t have to worry about forgetting about it, and I always know it’s been washed recently.

  4. Once a week. Same as my sheets and towels, toss them all in the wash together.

  5. I do not understand using washcloths in the shower.. I feel like they would just harbor bacteria? This is an honest question – why not just wash your body with your own soapy hands?

  6. I use washcloths once before laundering. I have several dozen to make this possible.

  7. I prefer shower poofs to washcloths and change them every month or two.

  8. I don’t use a washcloth on my body but I use a different one daily for washing my face. They dry over the faucet of the other sink and then all go into the washer at the end of the week.

  9. I stopped using washcloths completely, dermatologist recommended the best thing is to just use your hands and soap. I get complimented on my skin nonstop.

  10. I wash it every time I do a laundry.

    That being said, I have read on reddit that you can disinfect them by putting them in the microwave and I wonder if that’s legit.

  11. Daily. Or every time I shower I get a new one, sometimes I don’t shower every day.

  12. i use a freshly laundered exfoliant cloth every shower. my skin has never been smoother.

  13. I have about 16 washcloths, or as we call them facecloths. I use once and then put in the washing machine. I also use exfoliating gloves, i boil and hang dry them after every use and replace them every 2-3 weeks.

    Can’t clean myself with just my hands, like cleaning my legs and feet with my hands would feel weird, need a cloth/poof/loofah/sponge or something.

  14. I use a washcloth for my face.. I change it everyday and I use one of those scrunchie thingys for the rest of my body and I change it once a month. I can reach all the way around myself so I use the scrunchie thingy for my back as well when I used to use a back scrubber.. I kinda miss the back scrubber tbh

  15. I use loofas instead. I clean them and dry them in the shower, and generally use them until they start to fall apart.

  16. I didn’t know this was a thing…

    I use exfoliating gloves that I let air dry outside of the shower area after every shower. They still get washed with the laundry once a week.

  17. I just keep one on the side for when water gets in my eyes but I change it every time unless I’m out of towels and don’t have time to do laundry.

  18. I use a silicone loofa!! An absolute game changer please try it. Its only $12 on amazon and I love it

  19. Every single shower.

    I have a designated towel laundry basket.

    Wring it out toss it in the basket

  20. After one use they get washed. I don’t re-use washcloths or towels.

  21. I use a loofah and change it monthly. Like a buck at the dollar store.

    Wash cloth for my face with every use.

  22. I don’t use them but if I do it’s one and done. It goes in the hamper. I usually use a loofa thing and switch that out every month or so

  23. I use them once and then wash them, i have a few that one side has a rougher texture for exfoliating and the other side is softer.

  24. I use a puff ball (idk what is called) but I throw it the wash with my clothes once a week.

  25. I use a new one each shower. I can’t imagine using a used one and feeling clean after.

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