Men, what’s something that’s underrated that everyone should try?

  1. Exercise on edibles. THC mimics the runner’s high, so running while high feels like having extra adrenaline

  2. Weird food combinations.

    Dip your fresh, hot French fries in your milkshake for the salty-sweet.

    Try a peanut-butter-and-pickle sandwich.

    Put a line of mayo on your hot dog, then crush some potato chips and spread it over the top.

    No, they’re not always going to be good. Some you may absolutely hate. But some you may really like, and when you find something that works, not only can you experiment further, but you’ve learned something about what you like in terms of flavors/aromas/textures, and that’s not bad either.

  3. file and buff your nails, fingers and toes. cheap and easy, feels great, ladies will notice.

  4. Do nothing.

    Sit down in a nice patch of grass and just watch the clouds go by for an hour or so. Write down all your obligations and adult things on a piece of paper, then make a conscious effort to forget that it even exists for the next hour.

  5. Talk with and listen to the youth. For many, the internet is their only source of male role model guidance.

  6. magic mushrooms. Took 1.5 grams on sunday and it made me kinda geek out a lil but when the psychadelic aspect wore off it let me do some good introspection and I think I’m finally gonna quit porn for real this time. Unless your family has a history of schizophrenia, then stay the fuck away.

  7. Comfortable underwear. Fabric technology has come a long way. Retire those old cotton, elastic underwear.

  8. Fly fishing.

    Even if you don’t catch anything, being alone or with friends on the river is overly calming and Zen like.

    The flow of the water. The flow of of casting. Being out in nature. It’s stunning and has brought both myself and multiple people I’ve convinced to try it a lot of peace

    I don’t partake, but trout whistles probably help too

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