I don’t have problem to talk with people my age, or people who are younger than me, or people who seem inferior to me. ( I know I am a bad guy for seeing people like this.)

But when it comes to talking with people older than me or people who I perceived more experienced than me, I suddenly act stupid. I stutter a lot and switch on to a softer voice that sometimes I seem whispering my words.

Please help me.

  1. I think I get a bit like this with some people.. I’d phrase it as more of a seniority thing than a superiority thing.

    I’d describe it as being worried that my usual standards won’t be good enough, I guess. Or I’m worried about some kind of reproach I wouldn’t get from someone else; their opinion seems to matter more. It makes me overthink, second-guess, and just say less in general.

    It’s daft, because I’m sure most of these people would rather I didn’t put them on that kind of pedestal (and the few that would enjoy it are people I wouldn’t want to be friends with).

    Not got any advice for you except to be careful to always triple-check any advice you get from them, as you’ll be subconsciously biased to accept their advice more often, even though it could still be bad advice. Nobody is perfect and we are all just doing our best to learn from our experiences, even the ones we look up to.

  2. Start with understanding that nobody is superior to you, we’re all human beings and what someone has done in their life does not mean they are better than you

  3. We start by remembering that NOBODY’S really ‘superior to us’ in a social sense. Yes, by age, position, money they might be. But SOCIALLY we all are at the same place. Wanting a great interaction and wanting the other person to like us.

    So no matter how ‘high up’ the other person is, treat them like you’re interested in them, appreciate them, and have some enthusiasm for being with them! And they will love you for that.

  4. in any group, people naturally create a hierarchy amongst each other, subconsciously of course. so someone can absolutely be ‘superior’ to you in a social setting. anyway, its also natural to start showing submissive behaviors in the presence of someone deemed as superior, many animals do the same. honestly, the way i personally get ‘over it’ is that i do a lot of research/ thinking on this kind of thing, because it helps me confidently navigate how to manipulate my way into higher positions (you arent worried about doing the wrong thing when you know what the right thing is). theres also many ways youre able to improve your value to the objective societal eye. attractiveness is the initial most value placing quality. intelligence and wealth are the 2 main others that should be subtly flaunted if prominent. anyway, i could go on and on, but you get my point.

  5. no one is superior, but a superior at work i guess just with respect. outside of work none of that matters though.

  6. You’re probably going to have an easier time realizing you’re not inferior to people when you realize you’re not superior either. You think people younger or that “seem inferior” (what did you mean by that?) to you are inferior so obviously you’re going to think that other people will have the opinions about you.

  7. You can practice talking to me. I’m superior to almost all redditors and 99% of the public

  8. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Stop comparing yourself to others. It’ll help you in the long run…

  9. Ah, the age-old dilemma of talking to superior beings! Fear not, my friend. Just imagine them in their underwear…Nah, kidding! Confidence is key! Embrace your inner goofball and let the laughter flow.

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