So I always thought that once she’s on BC doing it without a condom is normal and fairly safe but recently I started having doubts. Is it normal to have sex without a condom or is double protection the ‘normal’?

  1. There’s always a risk BC will fail, but it’s low if she’s using it properly. The more birth control methods you properly use the lower that risk is. Using both certainly isn’t foolproof, but it’s damn close.

    It all depends on how scared you are of being a dad now LOL.

  2. I’ve had probably a decade’s worth of unprotected sex with partners I trusted and knew were on the pill without an incident. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen to you but it’s pretty rare.

  3. Nothing is truly 100%, but birth control is designed to prevent pregnancy. You can continue wearing a condom, or ditch the condom and pull out right before you ejaculate. Do what you’re most comfortable with.

    Side note: Birth control doesn’t protect against STD’s. If you want to ditch wearing a condom, make sure you are both tested beforehand.

  4. BC usually lists how reliable it is. Also knowing her ovulation cycle does help since it gives you a 4-6 day window where she can conceive if she wasn’t on BC.

  5. When properly used, HBC is really effective, more so than condoms. HBC + condoms increases effectiveness further but it’s not night vs. day.

    Just remember: any kind of sex you have, with or without a condom, carries a risk of pregnancy. You can’t eliminate it to zero. And if you two haven’t had a “what if?” conversation, you should. Would she be intent on carrying a baby to term? Seek an abortion (if that’s even legal where you are)? These aren’t very sexy conversations but they’re necessary ones. If she’s like “I’d have the baby” and you’re not ready to be a dad, then you may consider if *any* risk is worth it.

  6. I had tons of raw sex for over a decade while on BC in a monogamous relationship. I have never been pregnant. Hormonal BC or an IUD are pretty much the best protection you can get without sterilization. Just use a backup method for a while if she has any slipups, gets severe gastro illness, or takes a medicine known to interfere with BC.

  7. Make sure you use a condom if she is ever on antibiotics or drugs for anything as they affect BC.

  8. Well I have a depo baby, meaning I was on the bc shot and ended up getting pregnant

  9. The only 100% effective form of birth control is abstinence. If you’re not prepared for a potential pregnancy, you should take every precaution you can.

  10. Ex had the implant thing in her arm. Never had a single scare after multiple years lol.

  11. It depends, it’s always safe to come in her mouth. Did you mean her vagina? Birth control is about 97% effective.

  12. Given your age and knowing myself as a girl at that age, I was not using my BC properly. I think you are a wise young man to want to add a condom to the list of BC used. That’s not to say every girl skips days or doesn’t take it at the same time repeatedly, I’m sure there’s lots of very responsible young women out there but I would not take chances, as a man, unless I knew that detail very well and with certainty.

  13. I would add a condom for extra protection. Birth control prevents pregnancy but it doesn’t keep out STD’s and other things that can affect you and her.

  14. I was with a girl who told me that she could “not get pregnant”…
    We had unprotected sex…

    Now I have a 4 year old son…

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