Our classmates bully him in school because he likes anime girls and anime in general. he didn’t do anything wrong and they constantly poke fun at him. Our sister(18F) is very overprotective of him so she defends him when it happens but I want to defend him since she’s in her class most of the time and can’t be here all the time. Even before this he was made fun of because of his sexual orientation.

He was and is still always friendly with everyone, but they hate him for no reason while he just wants to be friends with everyone. They still always find way to poke fun at him and always see him as “that anime kid”. He just likes drawing it in art class and talks with us about it and that’s how the classmates found out. One time when he was drawing one of his favorite characters, one of the classmates sitting in front of him asked him “why did he draw it when he could be drawing literally anything else”, he said: ‘because she (the character) is cute and I want to hug her'(he’s very attached to this character), and this guy started senslessly harrassing him and calling him names and told some other classmates about it while calling him a crybaby. He just ran off and me and sister already knew what happened when we saw him crying, she got into a fight with them. Even though the school ended like a month ago, he is still sad and cries about it as he did before the summer almost everyday becuse of it, he also developed anxiety and trust issues becuse of themand because he didn’t do anything wrong whatsoever and just wanted friends. He doesn’t want to tell the teachers since he fears that it would get worse. What they are doing to him every day is just disgusting and cruel and no one deserves this, let alone he who didn’t hurt anyone. He doesn’t want and is scared to go back to school becuse of them, because they harass him every day for months, why? Becuse he watches anime and likes anime girls where he finds comfort because real “friends” treat him like an outcast, sexually assulted him and bully him every single day becuse of his orientation and interests

tl;dr:My brother is bullied in school because he likes anime and because of his sexual orientation.

How can I assure him tht everything is gonna be alright, defend him in school and help him through this?

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