When we are engaged in communication with others, we often prioritize conveying our own message thinking solely from our point of view, neglecting the crucial aspect of how the recipient perceives and interprets what we are communicating.

This failure to consider the other person’s perspective can lead to severe consequences like in the case of the farmer in this article. This oversight cost him $61,000 USD.

[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/06/canada-judge-thumbs-up-emoji-sign-contract](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/06/canada-judge-thumbs-up-emoji-sign-contract)This principle holds true whether you’re engaging in face-to-face conversations or exchanging text messages.The solution lies in:


1. Slow down your responses
2. Take a moment to envision the other person’s viewpoint during the conversation.
3. Minimizing distractions to help prevent unintentional mistakes caused by “inattentional blindness.”

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