Hello M26, I’m looking for help because this is killing me.

I met this girl on holiday F29 and we’ve been talking for around 6 years and have spoken about getting into a relationship and her moving over here (from America to the UK) but over the last couple of weeks I’ve met another girl in the town I’m from, F23 (in a non intimate setting) and she’s rocked my world so far and I can feel myself developing feelings for her, what should I do? I don’t want to cut her off because she’s a genuinely great person but I also don’t know if I can live with the hurt and devastation I’d cause F29 from the US which would probably end up with cut contact, any help with how to deal with this would be appreciated because I am incredibly lost, I’m not looking to be told who to “pick” as such, just advice on how to handle this situation. Thank you.

TL;DR – Looking for advice on how to handle these relationships.

1 comment
  1. 6 years is a long time to waste on a long-term not-relationship. It would be one thing if you were in some kind of relationship, but you’re not.

    Date the new girl.

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