Did you ever regret it?

  1. It wasn’t actually as good to or for me as others perceived. It just looked that way to outsiders and my partner thought so because they didn’t really care about my experience as much as they cared about their own.

    No regrets whatsoever. I’ve never in my life regretted ending a relationship.

  2. Definitely didn’t regret breaking up with him nor do I regret my relationship with him. That relationship taught me so much. But, I knew that even though he was a great guy, that there was someone out there who was a healthier and more compatible match. I didn’t want to miss out on true love by staying in that comfortable relationship.

  3. i wasn’t happy and i found myself bored with them and i wasn’t caring and giving them the love they deserve so i cut it off for there greater good

  4. He wanted kids and over the years I came to the conclusion that I did not.

    He has kids now and I love them dearly. I also love the fact that they’re not mine.

    No regrets.

  5. Forgetting the fact he cheated. Which tbh, was an out to realise how bad the relationship actually was.

    It was a “good” relationship by definition, but damn it was just boring. Same thing everyday. I’m quite weird and kinda strange and they were very basic, no opinions, no thoughts, no style or hobbies, I don’t even think they had a favourite colour. But I was very colourful in all of those areas.

    So although them cheating hurt for a very very long time. Ultimately in the grand scheme of things, I’m glad they did otherwise I don’t think I would have left and therefor never met my equally as colourful boyfriend who I feel we mesh into a rainbow of love, joy and exciting weirdness.

    Because I didn’t leave immediately so I did in fact leave, it wasn’t an instant break up.

  6. I left the best relationship I’ve ever had. We had only been together for a year, and I was moving across the country for my career. He wanted to come with me, but kept flip-flopping (understandably) because it was a big risk. He also wanted kids in the future and I didn’t. I eventually decided to end it. I don’t regret it, I think it was the right choice. I still miss him though, and I don’t think I’ll stop any time soon.

  7. bad sex /: I used to regret leaving him but don’t anymore because i’m engaged to the love of my life now (who is the best sex of my life)

  8. I was immature, didn’t really understood her value until I saw her with someone else

  9. He was an amazing person, but over the years we drifted apart. I went to therapy to change things I needed to change, but he didn’t consider he needed to change and that was his right. He’s met someone else and he’s happy now and so am I.

  10. Financially, he took care of me, but when there was no money he had a really bad morals. Horrible character.

  11. He never ever planned dates. Not once. I had multiple conversations with him about the fact that I felt like I was the only one invested or interested and he said he would do better. I didn’t need anything fancy, but leaving the house to get ice cream or even just walk around the neighborhood was a no go for him. So I left. I don’t regret it honestly. I loved him but a relationship can’t just be one person doing everything while the other tags along.

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