So I have a friend we’ll call them J. Me and J are what you consider bestfriends. We’ve known each other for years. We don’t live in the same state since I moved. So I’ve been down for letting me a week+ now and when I’m down I isolate myself. I didn’t speak to anyone but I’d sometimes make a tweet or post something on instagram. So we haven’t talked in awhile like a week they sent me like 3 tiktoks and I didn’t reply because I didn’t have to energy. Fast forward to 2 days ago I message them a gif (I was out my slump then) only to realize they deleted me on all social media and basically everything online. I kinda felt numb to it since this isn’t the first time this happened with a friend. Fast forward to today I’ve been thinking about them all day anxiously. I guess they see me as a bad friend since I didn’t reply for a week? My friend who knows them tried to reassure me that they’re going through something and still want me as a friend but I think deleting me on everything is absurd and it means they want me out of their life for good. Thoughts? Do u think this is the end of the friendship?

Tldr: isolated myself for a week and bestfriend of 3 years deleted me on all social media and everything online (game launchers etc). Is the friendship over?

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