
I’m typically one to stay with the same employer for an extended period. I work in the public sector and stayed with my hiring organization for 13 years. I accepted a new position in 2021 and have spent the last two years learning the new gig. Recently, I was contacted by a former colleague I had work with, peripherally, a few years ago and he was asking if I might be interested in joining the program area. I’m woefully underqualified for the position, but, based on our previous collaboration, he thinks I am well-suited for the job. The move would be a reasonable pay bump – 14K – but involves more complex work.

I’m a little torn. On one hand, the work his program area performs is really interesting and the extra income would be nice, but I’m worried I’ll struggle with the work or won’t like it. I’m not sure the potential stress associate with a change is worth it. My current position will allow me to move up one step, which is a very modest pay increase, before I’m tapped out here.

How do you fellas decide whether to make a switch?

Appreciate any input.

1 comment
  1. > My current position will allow me to move up one step, which is a very modest pay increase, before I’m tapped out here.

    Is the pay increase close to the $14k? More importantly, will the $14k make a drastic improvement in necessity for you – ie more use than just splurging?

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