(I mean for the school itself, rather than the school-goers/team names)

In the Atlanta area for example there’s ‘Hooch’ high school (Chattahoochee), ‘Chee’ h.s. (Apalachee), ‘D-Town’ (Dutchtown h.s.) & ‘Agony Spot’ for Agnes Scott College. I’d love to hear what else you know!

  1. In the Atlanta area there’s ‘Hooch’ high school (Chattahoochee), ‘Chee’ h.s. (Apalachee), ‘D-Town’ (Dutchtown h.s.) & ‘Agony Spot’ for Agnes Scott College. I’d love to hear what else you know!

  2. Bulldogs. We are all Bulldogs. There are no other mascots. Only bulldogs.

  3. UCF aka U can’t finish. Otherwise they are the Knights. And were the Golden Knights for a while.

  4. Texas Cocaine University, Texas Construction University, Technically Christian University

  5. Went to a lovely high school in North Austin, TX called Westwood. Nicknames were Wastewood, Weedwood, and Wasteweed. We were an IB school with alot of smart kids but also alot of drugs. Since we were really good with math and liked drugs we had alot of really good drug dealers.

    Edit- Remembered another good one. I lived in Little Rock, AR for a short period. There was an all girls catholic school called Mount St. Mary’s and the nickname was Mount St. Mattress. There was also a school for the deaf and their mascot was the leopards.

  6. U can’t finish is a classic

    I got pissed one day I was late for class due to parking, so I came up with U Can’t Fucking Park, or the child-friendly U Can’t Find Parking

  7. My high school was the Kirkweed Pot-oneers (mascot was the Pioneers, and it was an affluent school with a lot of bored kids smoking ganja). A neighboring all-girls Catholic school, St. Joseph’s, was known as St. Jo’s Hoes.

  8. I went to Georgia State and some common nicknames were “garbage”, “worthless”, and “why is this building halfway across the city?”

  9. My friend went to Whetstone HS in Columbus, OH. A lot of people called it “Slippery Rock”

  10. Beverly Hillsborough, or Pillsborough… you get the gist of the issues of my hometown

  11. McLah (pronounced MICK-lah)

    Because it was Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA)

  12. In my dad’s day, the state university was called “Nam” because “everybody goes and nobody knows why.”

  13. South Park (School was near a park on the south side of the city) then the TV show exploded into popularity and the name took off.

  14. University High School:



    P(uni) pronounced as puny (derogatory)

  15. There is a junior college here called Southern Union but a few people call it Southern Onion.

  16. “Old School”

    The town I grew up in had two high schools, and the old school was nicknamed, well, “Old School” lol the funny thing is the old school was torn down and replaced with a brand new school a couple years ago but carries the same moniker since it’s the old legacy still.

  17. San Diego High = Daygo

    Wasn’t as popular with the white kids unless we were trying to sound cool.

  18. The University of No Help (especially for us out of staters)

    Also the University of No Holidays

  19. “Jewniversity of Pennsylasia” and “Not Penn State” were two of the more common ones.

  20. We had a couple for Youngstown State University (YSU).

    Y ou’re
    S till
    U neducated


    Y ou
    S crewed
    U p

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