Lol wtf

I made a post here yesterday asking if my standards were too high. I expected criticism but this seems like it was a bit much. I don’t know why this redditor took so much issue with the fact I want to be with someone that has a big ass.

At the very least I hope you get a laugh out of this.

  1. “That is like a woman who doesn’t date anyone who isn’t tall”

    That physical preference is fine, just as your preference for big butts is fine, in fact a preference for big butts might be a bit more realistic since it’s possible to naturally get a bigger butt (weight gain + exercise). So that comparison she made was a false equivalent anyways.

    Look, have whatever preference you want. We all have preferences wether we admit it or not, the people that don’t are either desperate or virtue signaling. I don’t think you’d want to take dating advice from such people anyways.

  2. Okay wanting a big butt on top of other more important wants makes sense.

    But wanting only a big butt and disregarding any personality or common ground between you two would be a little much lol.

    I think it’s okay to have some specific attributes you want, as long as there isn’t too many because if you are too specific that will be downright impossible to find.

  3. I think everybody is at least in one way attracted to their partner. We just don’t have the same priorities, and thats fine. If you are, for example, into smart ppl or very softspeaking and caring ppl or into stability, the look doesn’t matter so much. I’m sure blind ppl are attracted to others.

    So you are right that everybody wants a partner they are attracted to – but you are wrong in assuming everybody priorises looks when it comes to attraction only bc thats what you do 😉

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