I posted before about speaking to my gym crush – quick recap. We spoke well over a month ago, he told me to take his number and send him “recipes” for him to eventually ask a few days later when I’m free. He wouldn’t text on weekends (said he was working), took days to reply to short texts about making plans, had an early bedtime etc (weird).

We scheduled a day for us to go out a week later for dinner/coffee, he never contacted me, I text him the night before and he asked me if we could reschedule for the following week. I told him I wasn’t available then, no reply. The next day he came up and spoke to me in the gym, asked me when I’m next free and said he would text me.

TL;DR He text me that evening with a couple of different days, I got back to him saying let’s do the following Saturday. He never replied to me at all, after 11 days I seen him in the gym today – we were working out in the same room, he didn’t bother to come over and talk to me, just ignored me. No eye contact at all.

Why even ask me when I’m free in the first place and just waste my time like this, just to end up ignoring me? What was even the point?

  1. people just like the atention, and will do the minimal effort to get it, once the effort to get it exceeds what they would gain, they drop it.

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