How do you deal with feeling as if you have to be constantly productive?

  1. Optimum is not the maximum. I learned this the hard way. I also had to realize that in order to perform well, it is necessary to have breaks, to do recreational activities, to relax etc., because without that, it won’t be sustainable to be productive. I had a lot of guilt, but we looked into it in therapy so now I understand where it comes from. It’s my responsibility to take care of myself just as much, and I have to remind myself that being productive does not define my value. Also, being bored or not doing anything “productive” can actually be productive by giving you space to be creative, to think things through, to come up with new ideas or process some emotions etc. In the end, it can increase your productivity.
    Good luck on this road.

  2. Maintenance and repair are scheduled to keep a machine running. Schedule it for yourself.

  3. I kind of understand, I think western notion tends to demonize inactivity but if you decide you feel like you need a break or to take a nap maybe that’s what you need to do.

  4. Thc gummies lol.

    I also try to remind myself that being “productive” doesnt equal “accomplished” and what am i trying to accomplish in the first place?
    Its ok to sit and do nothing. Or do something else relaxing onstead of dping a dumb chore.

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