Men of Reddit, have you ever fallen out of love with an SO? What made you fall out of love?

  1. My wife makes major decisions that effect me negatively and it makes me feel very taken advantage of. I try to roll with it but it has made me feel very unloved and love is a 50/50 endeavor.

  2. Yes. She fell out of love first and instead of breaking up with me when she realized it wasn’t gonna work she did nothing. Instead it took me 3 months of slowly falling out of love when she began acting wildly distant and eventually i had to make it official.

  3. Yes, everything that was “wrong” with me was something that needed to be worked on, but all of her flaws were just part of her personality and I’d just have to deal with it.

  4. I was in love with the girl I only dated for a short time last year. It took me forever to get over her once I ended things, but I did everything in my power to force myself to move on. We reconnected last month, and she expressed interest in trying again, but I just didn’t feel anything. I think the months of forcing my brain to move on just made me lose feelings, not sure.

  5. When we fall in love with people, we fall in love with the aspects about them that make them who they are. You fall in love with what makes them who they are. As time goes on, those things that you once loved eventually become things that you think are okay. Eventually these things may/will become annoyances and you will struggle to remember why you loved them in the first place. You ask yourself if you can stay like this forever or if it’s too late to feel love again with the limited time we have on this planet.

  6. I was tired of consistently putting in more than 50%. Eventually I realized she would always be dependent on me and I would never be able to depend on her. Healthy relationships have a 50/50 balance as an average understanding at times someone will need more support. But when it’s consistently one way it got unsustainable.

  7. Married too young and we changed. We had different goals in life.

    Oh, and a side of betrayal.

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