Hi I need some advice, as I’m just getting back into the “game” after a five year relationship.

I (f) met this guy at an event earlier in the year, we connected and exchanged numbers. We texted back and forth for awhile, as we live in different states. He ended up inviting to a festival (5 day, camping only festival). I decided to send it and flew out to join his crew.

We spent every day together with a lot of 1 on 1 times. He was very sweet by asking if it was okay to hold my hand and if I wanted to dance, a gentleman.

So finally on day 5 I bucked up the courage and asked to kiss him. The rest of the day we made out frequently, and by the end of the night sealed the deal by climbing into his tent to “cuddle”.

I flew home the next day.

Flash forward two weeks, we both were in NY at the same time. He invited me out with a group of his friends, he paid lots of attention to me and was very sweet. We danced together at the club we went to, but by the time the night was over it was 5am.. I went back to my hotel alone (no kissing/no cuddling).

Since NY we’ve texted here and there, and he invited me out for his birthday party this coming weekend.

I’d like to hook up again… maybe not in a tent 😅 I’m also not looking for anything serious right now, more of a fun flight where we can hook up whenever we see each other.

How do I read this situation? Is he into it, was it a one time thing, do I play it cool? Should I just straight up ask? Help.

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