How do men want to be comforted when they are frustrated with life?

  1. Talking about it usually helps but I don’t volunteer it easily. I am afraid to be a burden, but if my partner asks I will be forthcoming. Hugs are also nice, or naps and some shitty food, but trying to kick the latter.

  2. I like being held by my girlfriend and I feel comfortable expressing myself to her about it if I feel like talking about it. Being held always hits the spot though.

    I’m sure most men probably want to be left alone, but not all.

  3. There is no answer to this question because all men aren’t the same. If you want to know how to help a specific man, ask them what they want.

  4. Just sit next to us, we will let it all out when we are ready and have found the correct words to use.

  5. Just help them relax, let them vent, and if they’re your partner, make them a nice meal. That generally does the trick.

    If I’m super stressed I just lay my head down on my wife’s lap and just chill for a bit.

  6. For the most part I usually want to be left alone…nice gesture if my SO offers to make dinner or do some other daily stuff that usually falls on me…and if I’m being totally honest I wouldn’t be opposed to her suggesting something like …. how about I do something to take your mind off the day…. 😉

  7. I just want to be understood. Just having someone know what I’m going through instantly makes this a million times better, even if there’s nothing they can really do about it. Problem is, I can’t open up in the first place, so… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  8. All the time. I mean I guess I need time to myself to work through my thoughts. But when I’m in a funk I feel like I wish I could just be babied and coddled without feeling like that makes me any less of a man. Though my wife does a pretty good job of doing that.

  9. Wrap herself around me, don’t say anything, just listen. Don’t tell me mealy mouthed horseshit like, “oh it’s not that bad because …” I’m not interested in having my feelings minimized. I obviously can’t bleat for all men, but I’m so tired of being told things like, get over it, you’re being dramatic and other people have it worse. I’m well aware of that. But if I’m frustrated in life, I’m not interested in hearing how it isn’t that bad. Just let me vent.

  10. I take the Kylo Ren approach – swing my sword around and choke my chicken for all its worth.


    I go into the man cave. turn off the light. sip some bourbon and think FTW. Then I hit the bath and make my plan to recover.

  11. Sometimes I just need reassurance. My wife reads it pretty well and can keep me on track. I’m frustrated with the job market and my weight, I feel like I’m stuck in a job I don’t want with none of my applications getting accepted and my weight is stagnant too.

    My wife told me that I’ve been persistent and it’ll all work out. I apply to jobs 3-4 nights a week and lift weights 5 nights a week. I got frustrated as I’m not seeing results in my career or body and just started to worry that I’m failing her and our family because of it. I grew up with a never good enough mentality that is hard to shake, her encouragement and appreciation help me out tremendously.

  12. Would be good if someone just listened and didn’t judge. Tried to understand problems you’re having. But… since that’s very uncommon, so I’d rather be left alone.

  13. No questions. Just a 10 min hug till I fall asleep and then we don’t talk about it ever again

  14. No one will come to help us in difficult times in our lives, only we are there to help ourselves.

    The “men” who want to be comforted are the ones who arent self-independent.Realize that you have shit to do in this lifetime and get up and conquer any challenge that comes in ur way

  15. often I just want someone to listen to me and not judge or offer empty platitudes.

  16. I don’t want to be comforted, I want a solution to the problem that’s causing me frustration and then the frustration will go away.

  17. By solving the actual problem or a part of it.

    If that’s not possible, I want to be left alone so I can solve it or parts of it.

    A back scratch at bedtime helps, but that helps for everything every single day.

  18. Pin me down physically please but not verbally.

    I want to feel close but not pressured into trying to describe how I feel if I’ve not fully processed it yet

  19. I asked my boyfriend about this recently, what does he want me to do when he feels stressed/anxious, he said he wants me to be who I am until he asks something specifically, example; if he wants to be alone and processing his feelings.

    The best way is to ask directly to your man. Because some men have different needs.

  20. I don’t know. I usually fix it all by myself with a good gaming session or sleep.

    Every man is different. Some may need a massage, some may need their balls emptied one way or another,.

  21. Ask me how I am doing and if I don’t want to talk about it let it go. I will get around to it when I am ready. A bj helps too lol

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