Okay to understand why we got to this part, I need to give more context.

My girlfriend told my friends I like being pegged and I was furious that she told them my personal preference. I stopped talking to her for a day and then a day later I told her I wanted to set some boundaries and I also wanted to get some things off my chest.

Her and I talked about a lot of stuff and when we were in the middle of talking she said she wanted to admit something. She told me a few weeks back she told one of our coworkers that if she ever wanted food, my girlfriend would just text me and I’ll get it for her.

(She said this because yeah, I get my girlfriend almost whatever she wants cause I like to spoil her. I don’t go crazy but I do send her food, but her gifts here and there to surprise her. I have no problem with this, I like doing it)

Anyway, my girlfriend also told me when she was out with her friend yesterday she would make joking remarks that if I was there I would be buying gifts for her and her friend. My girlfriend admitted all of this so she could apologize and tell me she’s trying to do better. Then she told me she never wants to buy her ANYTHING again.

I’m upset by two things, 1. The fact my girlfriend legitimately told her friend she could abuse the stuff I do for her to buy someone else stuffs. 2. One of my love languages is gifts so I can’t do that anymore? I enjoy doing it, it’s one of the things I have the opportunity to do and it makes me happy to plan out gifts or whatever.

Now I can’t ever do that? I’m sorry that’s something I really enjoy doing.

Overall, I’m not sure how to feel or what to do. She told me she never abused the stuff I do for her ever but the fact she was dead serious a few weeks ago when she told her friend it is making me mad. Plus I’m mad shears remarks when she was out with her friend. That makes me feel like I never want to buy her stuff again because it makes me feel like
I’m being made fun of.

TLDR:My girlfriend admitted that a few weeks back that she told her friend that could abuse the fact I always buy my girlfriend food so she could get her friend food.

  1. Your gf is very immature and you know now you can’t really trust her. I would ask for some space and take a few days to figure out what it is you would need from her to regain her trust. Ask her to do the same and make an action plan on what she will do to earn that trust back. Then you can see if she follows up her words with action. I would drastically scale back what you do for you gf as she clearly has been taking you for granted or doesn’t actually appreciate the gestures.

  2. Uh, why are you with this person? She does not respect you whatsoever and nothing you wrote here even remotely displays that she even likes you.

  3. Promise yourself this.

    Never be a doormat.

    The loss of your Self respect will hurt you more than losing a relationship. Especially with a person of such low character.

    Make sure the person appreciates your gestures. Never taking them for granted.

    Make sure your intentions of giving gifts is not, in fact, an attempt to buy affection. You can already see what it gets you. Take this as a lesson learned and move on.

  4. 3 months. And all this shit. Grow a spine and dump her. 3 months!!!!!!!! Lord. 3 months is nothing. In that time is the honey moon face. Dude!!!!! If she is treating you like that. I don’t want to imagine how fucking awful it will be. END IT.

  5. 3 months? Are you serious? Dump this girl, she’s disrespectful, untrustworthy and thinks she can use your money to buy her friends shit. 3 months is a drop in the bucket compared to 10 years of misery and a costly divorce

  6. The core of your problem isn’t even what she told her friends, it’s that she basically told you she has no respect for you. She’s taking the free pass you’re giving her now in “coming clean”, but that behavior isn’t going to stop.

  7. 🤣 Your girl has no respect for you as a man and neither do I after reading this post. All your social circle will know you like getting pegged. No doubt you are the butt of the joke and they are laughing behind your back.

  8. 1) she sounds immature, dump her. 2) love languages are about how you liked to be loved, not about the other person, 3) see 1

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