Men – So you just met a new woman & are getting to know her & want to hangout for the 1st time, where do you usually go? Or where would you go?

  1. You can invite her out for a walk in the park after sunset or ask her if she’d like to drink a glass of wine with you. Also, another option would be watching a movie at the cinema, but I’d leavea this lower on the list.

  2. Huge fan of the park date. It’s outdoors, it’s relaxing, and it’s solely focused on the other person and getting to know them. I bring a picnic blanket and some snacks, and I usually bring my hammock, so that if the conversation and mood head in that direction, there’s a snuggly option.

  3. Someplace locally iconic that locals hardly ever go to. So, for example, in NYC it would be a walk across the Brooklyn bridge to get pizza. And in San Francisco, it would be to Coit Tower and then drive to a meal at fisherman’s wharf.

  4. Grab some coffee to go and walk around town or a park. You’ll spend half an hour to an hour together and if there’s no mutual interest you can end the date when your drinks are finished. If you enjoy each other you can go to a bar, restaurant or to one of your places.

  5. Movies , it’s agreat way to see how comfortable you two are just being around each other and not saying anything

  6. If you play pool that’s a good one. Also a tour/museum Is good. Anything to spark a convo and get talking do you can get to know each other better

  7. Bowling or mini golf. Something where there’s an activity to alleviate any pressure for making conversation.

  8. Baseball game. Lots of food and drinks. People watching. An actual game that you don’t need to be glued to.

  9. Theres a park close to my place… When i asked the girl im seeing right now out, i asked her if shed join me on a picnic. I got to show off my ancient samurai bento technique… Id do it again^^ was a good date!

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