So basically he has a pee fetish?????? I really wasn’t expecting him to tell me that’s what it was honestly. I don’t know how to feel about it. I don’t know what to do. We’ve been talking for so long and it seems to be heading into a relationship but now I’m like ????? Is this a normal fetish?? Help??

  1. I don’t think it’s super uncommon but I doubt it’s the kind of thing he’d expect everyone he encounters to be down for. Did you tell him you weren’t into it? If so, how did he react?

  2. At this point I don’t think there’s any fetishes that are not considered normal. However that particular one seems to be one that both parties have to really be on the same page for, it would be hard to do that fetish if one person is not really into it in my opinion.

  3. Ist completely fine, why does it have to be normal? I like pee. If you’re going to make him feel weird or judgemental. Just move on tbh. Water sports is a fun activity. But it’s important you tell him how you feel. And maybe find him someone he could share his fantasy with. And you could support that if you like him. At least that’s what I would do

  4. I don’t think pee fetishes are that common. Pee is gross you know?

    Lot of people have fetishes, myself included, but usually you bring them up to your partner after you’ve built a trusting relationship. If it were a potentially serious relationship I’d pass on someone bringing out their kinks so soon.

  5. I don’t get why this is a thing, unless you’re just looking for karma..? “?????”..

    Feel how you feel about it. Think what you want to think about it. Check in with yourself. You don’t need strangers on the internet to tell you what to think or how to feel.

    Pee fetish isn’t uncommon, or even super weird these days. When it comes to sex, you should do what you feel comfortable doing, and don’t do whatever you don’t feel comfortable doing. It’s that simple.

  6. If you aren’t ok with it, don’t do it. It is easy at that. No one is required to indulge in someone else’s fantasies. If you are curious, start very small to see if you like it at all.

  7. In my opinion, if you are undecided, try it with him. You can either like it or hate it. I loved it trying with my wife. We take turns peeing on each other in the shower. If it’s in the shower and you decide you don’t like it… It’s an easy clean-up and wash off.

    Trying some things new in a relationship keeps things fresh and fun. If you enjoy whatever you’re trying, you get to add it to your turn-on list or even things you get to remember to help you orgasm later.

  8. He probably wanted to tell you so he can decide whether to pursue a relationship.
    Sexual compatibility with kinks is important for some (if not most) and he probably wanted to give you a choice early on.

    I do the same with my relatio ships and my kinks. I told my girl everything i was into in the talking stages of our relationship just to see if she was into it or willing to try. It lets her know what i am into and wanting out of the relationship and gives her an out early, rather than springing it on her 6months – year down the road after shes developed feelings.

  9. From what I can tell, it’s not an uncommon fetish. I’ve never given it any serious consideration until recently. The guy I’m with now (who isn’t interested in golden showers either) brings out an intensely wild side of me more than I’ve ever felt before (and I’m decently freaky). We’ve talked about how we aren’t into pee stuff, but then we kind of started joking about it and I was like “I mean, I’d totally let you pee on me if you wanted.” I 100% meant it, but I wasn’t saying I *wanted* him to do it.

    Well…. it eventually turned into me actually wanting him to pee on me, ha. Now it’s totally on my bucket list. We’ve talked about it and I’m almost certain it will happen eventually. But I think we’re both just waiting for it to feel right/natural (and when we’re in the shower).

    For me, the idea of it is exciting because it’s “wrong,” “degrading,” “dirty,” and most importantly, I literally want him to “mark his territory.” I never thought I’d think about golden showers in this way, but here I am….. 37F for reference.

    There are a TON of fetishes out there. All things considered… pee stuff is pretty mild. (example: it could be blood stuff).

  10. I don’t think you need to do anything right now. He shared it with you. You’re allowed to have time to think it over. You’re also allowed to ask follow up questions for what exactly that would involve or how it would happen. You’re also allowed to say “thank you for sharing that with me. However, it’s not something I’m interested in participating in”

  11. So, did he say he was actually into it, or did he just list off fetishes that someone could be into to see what you thought of them?

  12. It’s a lot more common than you think. I’m not super into it, but my bf is. I engage with it because it makes him happy and I’m not repulsed by it. A little goes a long way with him, just having him watch me pee is a turn on for him, and I like the intimacy. I don’t mind peeing on him or having him pee on my butt in the shower, and it turns me on to know that he’s turned on, so it’s fun for me too. Plus he’s super grateful after and it makes it so worth it. Check in with yourself, experiment if you’re comfortable. It’s okay to try something and decide you don’t like it! It’s also totally okay to not engage with that kink at all, but it’s nice that he felt comfortable telling you what he’s into 🙂

  13. I don’t think it matters if something is normal or common. What’s really important is if you are okay with it or not.

    You mentioned in comments that you’re a little inexperienced but open to trying stuff. Go ahead and try stuff. See what happens. You might like it, it might not be for you. Personally my biggest concern would be clean up.

    More general advice to everyone: If you are going to ask someone about fetishes, you better be prepared for ANY answer. Try not to shame or judge right off the bat. Ask questions so you can better understand what your partner actually needs. It’s a sensitive topic. Someone has to trust you a lot to be that vulnerable with you. Respect it. Don’t betray that trust. Be honorable and keep their secret if they want it to remain a secret, don’t gossip to your friends about private shit. It may turn out these revelations make you two incompatible. That’s okay. Just be civil about it.

  14. It is a normal fetish. Not sure how common it is, but not like it’s unheard of. I’d watch some vids of it and see if it’s something you’d be into trying. I’m into all kinds of kinks but pee does nothing for me so it really depends on the individuals.

  15. I had a partner who had this fetish. It was hard on me, I couldn’t even pee in private without him getting excited and wanting to watch me. I never felt comfortable, but everyone is different

  16. It’s really not that uncommon of a fetish.

    Have you ever peed on anyone before? Try it in the shower if it’s your first time. It can be pleasurably dirty 🙂

  17. my gf has one. likes me to pee on her. i dont get it, but if it gets her off then i oblige.

  18. Btw, as a kinkster myself, you are well within your rights to not only say “No” but also tell him that he should not bring it up again, at all, ever. He *especially* should not try to convince you to try it if/when you say no.

    If my “normal” you mean common, then yes, it’s a common fetish. But if you’re not completely and totally willing to try it, don’t. Don’t do it if you don’t think you’ll enjoy it at all, or if you’re only doing it to try to please him. It’s okay to have your limits! If you do decide to try it, it’s also okay to decide after the fact that you don’t like it and that you don’t want to do it again or even discuss it further.

    If this is a hard limit for you (and your decision is valid either way), make sure he understands that if you both enter a relationship, this is not something he’ll be able to practice IRL for the duration of your relationship. If you say no, please know that simply not wanting to take part in a specific kink (especially one that’s rather taboo) is NOT you kinkshaming him.

    Just like it’s okay for you to say no to practicing a partner’s kink, it’s also okay for him to not pursue a relationship with you further after this. It’s okay for a kink to be a deal breaker. FWIW, based on your post and the comments of yours that I saw, you don’t sound that interested in it or comfortable trying it. Some fetishes require a little more enthusiasm than others, and a urine fetish is definitely one of them. But that’s a decision only you get to make, and it’s okay for this to be a “soft limit” too–so something you’re okay doing occasionally, or only in a limited number of ways. It’s doesn’t have to be completely yes or no.

    For me personally, urine is a hard limit–meaning it is not up for debate, it’s not something I’ll try for a partner’s birthday, etc. But I would have to respect it if a partner said that’s a deal breaker for them, *especially* because I have my own kinks that I would need to practice to feel satisfied in a sexual relationship. It would be a double standard otherwise.

  19. It seems normal enough to me. I have a pee kink, and my last boyfriend did too. We used to pee on each other a lot. There’s nothing wrong with that.

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