(I live in FL) He will be gone for about 4 months and he says that’s nothing, but to me it is. And I don’t know if he will really come back in that time or be gone longer. He’s in university there and that’s where his parents are. I don’t not want him to not go, but it’s an issue in myself that I just can’t really do long distance I don’t think. It’s making me sad when I think about it. We see each other only once a week because he works almost 70 hrs, and he stays the night at my apartment. I feel like we moved a bit quickly in 4 months since he already stays over, but I feel very comfortable with him. I had doubts in the beginning since he did have a previous 6 year relationship and I was worried I was the rebound, but those doubts have faded, but sometimes he doesn’t reply to messages for a day or more and doesn’t really plan dates or seem to have interest in doing some things with me. I’ve communicated with him but it usually turns to an argument and he argues I don’t give him credit, but I have and do. I’m just worried that if he doesn’t give enough effort now, how will it be when he’s hundreds of miles away? It breaks my heart because I want it to work with him and I have so much love for him, but something tells me it won’t, and I feel like I’m dragging it on.

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