Anyone else rather anxious and avoidant around people they already know? If I recognize someone on the street I immadietely get anxious and try to hide/take a different route so they don’t see me. But I’m normal and calm with strangers. As soon as I get to know a person I get anxious and try to run away from them. I also have this deep fear of greeting a person outside (for example while shopping or just walking) and being ignored by them in return. I can’t build any relationships with people because of this reason, I instantly think they must hate me or find me boring.

I worked as a waitress once and I was very good with handling new customers aka strangers, but I was dreading seeing the same faces over and over again. ESPECIALLY after work. I was so scared of running into a customer outside of work. I am only fine with strangers it seems. Can anyone relate?

*(btw, I’m not officially diagnosed with SA)*

  1. Thank u I thought that was just me. I actively avoid this and idk even know why

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