Women of Reddit, what would be the minimum annual salary you would expect a man in his early to mid-thirties to be making for you to consider dating him?

  1. When I was going on dates, I wanted someone who made at least around the amount I was making or more.

    I think a lot of women want a guy who is self sufficient and able to care for themselves financially mainly. I’d also guess a decent chunk of women are similar to me where they want someone who makes around the same as them or more.

  2. As a man on reddit who typically makes significantly more than women I date – I really hope no one here cares.

  3. Well, he’d need to make 6 figures to make the same or more as me. And no man has ever made more than me.

    Yet they still can’t commit🤦🏻‍♀️

  4. I think they should be able to handle their bills, be able to get around their local area ( car or public transit), as nd be able to save a bit.

    That can be a wide range. But ‘able to handle their $hit’ is my minimum.

    If she makes more than you, don’t get defensive or weird about it. Don’t make her feel like shit for going to work, or treat her like an atm.

    I think that’s why high earning women go for guys with equal or higher salaries. They have been treated bad in the past and set that standard for themselves.

  5. As long as they can support themselves and are financially responsible I don’t give a shit.

  6. I’m 35 (f) and live in NYC which is an extremely expensive city to live in. I have always had long term relationships with men who make considerably less than I make but is totally okay in my opinion. I care more about a person’s ability to pay for a similar lifestyle as me rather than being concerned with how much money they make.

    Can they afford to go to restaurants x1 week?

    Can they afford to go on a vacation out of the country once a year? Nothing fancy but I’m well traveled and cultured and like to travel with my SO.

    Can they afford to live alone?

    If they can’t afford to live alone in their mid-thirties, go on an affordable vacation once a year or cant afford to eat out once a week – I don’t think we’ll be a good match from a lifestyle perspective.

    Edit: Roughly more than 90k a year because of increased cost of living expenses and since I’m living in NYC. I make over 6 figures and feel like once you hit 90k if you’re good with money you can afford my lifestyle which honestly isn’t extravagant at all.

  7. If they can afford to own a condo in downtown Toronto then it’s bare minimum for me.

  8. From experience, money isn’t everything in a relationship. As long as he has a career and he is able to actually “hold” onto his career, he should be okay. Again, from experience, I have my own money, so I’m not looking at anyone’s W2 just to date them.

  9. I don’t know how much my boyfriend makes, never asked, doesn’t matter. What I do know is he is financially responsible, owns his own house, car boats, and can afford to take us out on dates. I earn close to 100k and I believe based on his lifestyle and position with the company he makes much more. With that being said the last guy I dated was the T.V. Guy who came to mount my television. He did tell me he made 50k 🤷🏻‍♀️

  10. I don’t think I’ve ever ventured to ask a man what his salary is, nor would I. My expectation is he supports himself well enough as I do.

  11. If she’s asking, run. If you’re insecure: show her you aren’t defined by your salary whether it’s high or low you should be the same person fundamentally

  12. I’m sorry, but asking this question is not very reasonable. People have different lifestyles and usually choose a partner with similar one. If you’re not wealthy, just date girls that have similar financial situation.

  13. Enough to support themselves. As long as a man is fulfilling their potential and can meet his basic needs, I think he is a winner.

    A public defense lawyer might not make much but makes enough and is doing something worth their time and intelligence. On the other hand if a man has a masters degree and is a part time line cook, they are not fulfilling their potential and I probably won’t be interested in them personally.

  14. I think it depends on where you live. I can’t afford to buy a place with my income alone of 115-130k-ish (overtime dependant). In my area you need like two incomes totalling like 250k to get a good enough mortgage to get a house.

  15. This is the wrong thing to look for in a partner, OP.

    There is not a specific number, but one should be able to be financially responsible and able to meet their own needs of shelter, food, bills, and have enough left over for fun (eating out, drinks, coffee, activities) before focusing on dating.

  16. Enough to support himself financially. I care more that their moral character shows that they are a hard worker and they don’t expect things handed to them more than a tax bracket. I’m currently with a guy that makes very close to what I make.

  17. 40 comments and only one actually named a number so far 🤣

    Ignore weasel words, they *all* have an extremely specific number in mind and it is probably over 2x the national average.

  18. No wonder men are looking for women over seas. Western women would never look at a man who makes 50K a year.

  19. At this age, a man should be well educated and have a career. I am interested in a man with a future…

    Not interested in drama and guys who live paycheck to paycheck..

    When I met my husband, he was a medical student. Now, he is established physician, makes $400k plus a year… Looking at the potential…

  20. Not the question you asked but I’m in my mid 20s but I’ve never dated a woman who makes more than minimum wage. Oh! But I have dated some that have no income, they have these things called *unpaid internships*. Love those.

  21. I don’t care as long as he isn’t asking me for money or asking me for pay for him or the dates.

    I don’t want a bum or a loser.

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