Let’s say park > 30 m2.

Big enough for 10 children to play football, or any place with grass, trees, or a playground.

My local park is 800m from my house.

I mainly see teenagers from the local high school skateboarding (or skipping class), and parents with their small children at the playground.

There are baseball fields there but it’s rare to see casual players. It’s almost always organized league games.

  1. 230mt. It’s a park, with some trees to make shade with some playgrounds, tbh i don’t know I don’t go to it since a lot, it has a football field (soccer) annexed (tbh it’s just a large trimmed lawn without any markings anymore).

    I used to see kids playing Futsal, I also saw a lot of Pakistani/Indians playing Cricket, or just random pepople running around it… It’s also used sometimes for calisthenics and/or yoga. There is a cycle path around it and kids do “races” around it.

    In the summer they used to host a Music Festival there, but now they started to use the newer football field that is at 500mt from home and 300 from the mentioned park.

  2. So there is a rather large playground with a small grass field a literal stones throw away from my house, but I wouldn’t really call it a park. They also either charge an entry fee or a membership fee. Beyond that, there are a few other playgrounds which are all smaller or small dogwalking spots around small ponds or ditches, but the closest actual park is about 1 kilometer away from my house.

    That park is around an old castle/estate. They sometimes host events but typically it’s just a walking spot. Most of it is pretty hilly and densely forested so you can’t really do much beyond that.

  3. Capital of Finland, Helsinki. 100m to the Central Park. There are elks, deers, foxes, woodpeckers, you name it.

  4. Here in South London the nearest to us is about 150m away, and there’s maybe 5 different parks within 15mins walk. All big enough for at least 100s of kids, not just 10! Between them there’s hills and flat areas, a skate ramp, kids adventure playground, wooded areas, tennis courts, wooded areas, gym areas, ponds, picnic tables, regular playgrounds, and a river with fish in it and families of birds living on it!

    Much better than where I grew up in suburbia. Mum had to drive us 20mins to find a park.

  5. I live some 150 meter from a huge park. What people do there: There is a playground, children play other things like hide and seek and football, people walk around or relax, and in the summer on tuesdays there are small free concerts.

    The park used to be the garden of the local castle, but since 1881 it is a park.

  6. I wouldn’t even consider 30 m2 or a place to play football as a park, because there are way too many places like that around my house. But there are two big parks in 10-15 min walking distance, and three more in 10-15 min by car. People are walking there with children or dogs, sometimes alone, ride their bikes in the name of chaos, do some sports like volleyball, basketball, football, ping-pong, there are scooter and skateboard ramps, running is also quite popular. Some making barbeque (shashlik) in special places. Some parks, which are old historical places, have museums and open-air events.

  7. About 300 meters.

    Small kids and their parents play around on the playground, there’s always some teens skating on the small skate ramps, young adults hang out in groups, sunbathe, listen to music or drink (sometimes all at once), middle aged people tend to go on walks there and the elderly just like to sit on the benches (sometimes feeding the local ducks).

  8. About 1 km from a 250k m2 park. It has multiple grass fields and separated by small patches of forest. Loads of things happen there. Just walking, running, bbq if the weather is nice. There are a lot of apartment buildings in my neighbourhood so most people use it as other people would use their gardsn

  9. there’s a park with grass, a playground and a beach around 500m away. there’s two playgrounds around 200m and 300m away

  10. I have one of 40000 m2 across the street. It has a playground, minigolf, a giant clock, a kiosk, a lake and many paths, benches and open areas to relax.

  11. I Live in Sweden and I have about 1 km to my nearest park, or the meadows as it´s called. It has several football fields(soccer), a “mountain” where you can ski during the winter (it has a ski lift that goes up, but it´s not a very big mountain, more of a hill) and people use it to run up and/or down during the snow free periods. You can also play disc golf there or just go for walks. During the spring it´s used for a massive rounders tournament with teams from several countries.
    It´s used a lot by the people living near it. Most schools in town have winter sports days there where the kids get to ski or go downhill on matresses. Kids in nearby school go skiing there during PE (long distance type skiing, not downhill) and a lot of people use the park for that during winter.

  12. I live about 150m away from one playground. About 250m from another in a different direction. And about 400m in another direction from a sports area with a grass football field, a small multi purpose sports area with hockey goals and basketball hoops etc and a few pieces of outdoor exercise equipment.

    The grass field is used by the local schools for outside sports activities but it’s also very common for kids to bring a ball from home and play a game with their friends. One playground is a few pieces of play equipment with some sand and some grass and the other is the same except a little bigger. The playgrounds are mostly visited by the smaller kids <9 (little ones with their parents obviously or sometimes older siblings) and the larger kids and teenagers tend to prefer the sports field.

    There’s also a grassy area about 150-200m away with a few shrubs and a tree or two that’s mostly used by people walking their dog.

    But I wouldn’t call any of these an actual park.

  13. I’m 5 minutes from the only park in the village, but hey there is plenty of space in the forest for the kids to play or they can go to the school yard or fotboll / soccer field. Or to some ones garden, yes people have gardens large enough for 10 kids here.

  14. I live in Warsaw, my apartment building is literally in the park. There are three smaller ones very close by. People go for walks there, walk their dogs, ride their bikes, normal stuff. I see a group of people doing yoga together a couple times a week. Two or three times a year the city district organises small festivals with local musicians playing and activities for children. I go there for walks every evening now that it’s nice and warm

  15. Two minutes on foot. I go to exercise or sometimes just to sit on a bench for a while. People do the same or sunbath and kids play football or just sit around and talk or smoke, you know. It’s nice.

  16. Um my apartment building has a lawn bigger than 30m2… I wouldn’t call that a park. It has benches and a swing but most apartment buildings around here do.

  17. The closest park is about 150-200m away. There’s another one at about 500m. I live in an area with quite a few parks. The only downside is that there are no old trees, to hide from the sun.

  18. My building is right next to a park. It’s quite a green neighbourhood with quite a few parks. Usually there are kids playing football or basketball and families having a picnic. There’s also an area where people can rent a plot of land to grow their own vegetables.

  19. 400m. There is a beach volley ball field and you can swim in the pond. Some people even go nude. Less often people are fishing. BBQ is big. A full on skate park. Ping pong tables. The unused curling court (we have little to no winter – so beats me) is sometimes used for raves. Joggers, Dog walkers of course.

  20. The closest park is like 300m away, and after a very rough estimate using google maps, I’d say it’s about 35.000m² (100 by 350 meters).

  21. 1 min walk, and also one two min walk, and probably one 5 min walk. But I wouldn’t call them parks honestly. They’re just big lawns surrounded by houses

  22. I’m in the city centre, so right now the closest decently sized park is about 400m away. There are basketball/futsal courts that are usually being used for pickup games or games among friends, two well used playgrounds, and a large lawn. There’s a large paved area that has two tennis courts marked out on it but no nets and I’ve never seen it used for anything but a kickaround. In good weather the grass and the benches are full of people eating lunch or hanging out.

    I say “right now” because normally I’m about 100m from the Royal Canal, which has a nicely landscaped multi-use path along the banks and acts as a linear park where people walk, cycle, eat, fish, kayak, and occasionally have illegal high diving parties off the locks. But it’s closed right now as they upgrade it, widening the path to make it part of a greenway that will eventually (hopefully) run all the way from the Liffey to the Shannon.

  23. NL: There is a 0.5ha or so field with a bunch of play structures, swings and a bunch of trees about 6m from my front door, and most of that is my front yard. There is a football cage at the other side. Lots of kids play there, sometimes the a local school has some activities as well.

    The closest proper park is 200m away. It is used a lot for (dog) walking, running, sometimes horse riding. There is a play forest and a petting zoo among other things.

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