Hello fellow redditors, I’m coming here for some advice before it slowly eats me alive.

I (20) broke up with my boyfriend (21) back in march as he was not putting any effort in and made me quite miserable. Don’t get me wrong he was great, but he just stopped caring and putting effort in. Up until last week, we had still been in contact and the plan was to get back together again in the future, he still continued to lack effort and he would never initiate a convo about us taking the next steps… I know more fool me.

Fast forward to last week, I mentioned us sitting down and talking about how we can take the next steps and everything was going well until he managed to turn it around on me and started an argument. Later on in the evening, we agreed to just forget what happened that day but I asked for an apology because he hurt me. He refused this and was taking the p\*\*\* out of me. I night ended in me telling him to not speak to me until he knows what he wants.

The next day, something quite traumatic happened to him. I put aside everything that happened the night prior, because after all I do still care about him, and offered to be there for him etc. He refused this and asked to be left alone. I understood so I did take a step back.

Two days later I messaged him asking if he was okay, he was active but never opened it for a good few hours, so I sent another message saying that I can see he’s active and that I only wanted to be there for him. So, past forward another two days I had an exam and was also moving into a new flat, I was v anxious to say the least, at this point I was worried. I was able to see he was active on social media and also posting things on reddit… he was just ignoring me. At this point I had enough, I understand he was going through something but there’s no need to treat someone like that, bearing in mind we had been together for over a year. So for my own sanity I sent him a message telling him how I felt then I deleted him. Still no message, nothing. I noticed he blocked me on everything and I’m struggling to process it all. I know deep down its for the best and I didn’t deserve any of that, I was worried about him and he couldn’t even message me back but he was able to post things on reddit?

I really never wanted it to end, especially not this way. I still have no idea why I’m typing this, I think I just want to know if anyone has ever experienced the same thing? Or if I did the right thing. I’m totally distraught and I miss him so much even though he has absolutely broke me.

Anything is appreciated : )

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