What’s on your To Do list that needs to get done, but life’s gotten in the way?

  1. Traveling, I got a looong list of places I want to go to, but just been so busy with other things, so at the moment I’m limited to only 3 travel trips

    August I’m going to France to visit a friend

    November I’m going to California for Blizzcon

    December I’m going to Germany for Christmas

  2. Weeding the yard. It’s a half acre and those freaks are like 4 feet tall. The strawberries underneath some of them are probably dead.

  3. exchanging postcards with people!

    i love to receive the random unexpected postcard in the mail but these days i just don’t have the capacity for it. planning on starting again soon though!

  4. Cutting the trees around the house. They’re suckers from a long gone ash tree that serve no purpose but to obscure my house numbers.

  5. Getting a driver’s license LMAO I’m 28😭but driving in my city is always dangerous despite driving with or without one.

  6. We have an empty bedroom that we, well, I won’t say *need* to furnish, but it would be nice to have it not look like an interrogation room when people stay with us. It’s also the only room in the house that’s white so I guess I have to paint the damn thing to liven it up. Kinda want to do a fun wallpaper on the big back wall. Something with tigers…

  7. Scheduling a dental cleaning. I was due for one last month but moving got in the way.

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