Hello, I have been going to the gym for about 7 months and have been making a lot of progress. As I continue to get into better shape, I notice more guys trying to “intimidate” me or asserting their “dominance” by standing/walking close to me. Too close for my comfort.

Growing up, I was always punished and discouraged when I would try to stand up for myself so I’m VERY uncomfortable with confrontation. This leads me to just ignore these guys and continue minding my own business but it’s getting very annoying. Should I say/do something or continue ignoring these guys?

  1. Have you tried just being friendly? It’s very disarming.

    Just smile, say hey bro.

    Not everything needs to be an altercation.

  2. Ignoring them is probably what’s spurring it on even more, as they can’t stand thinking that you don’t think about them.

    If they get close enough, a really friendly hello, maybe a hug, and a brutally wet fart will keep just about anyone away.

  3. You’re in your own head or way too online watching click bait crap from roid monkeys. No one has been getting in your space to assert dominance. You are not a wolf. You are a human, in contemporary society, and believe or not no one thinks of you or anyone else in this way. They are too busy living/worrying about their own lives.

    If there is odd time someone is in your space or walking to close just be friendly about it or find a new spot. The person isn’t trying to assert dominance.

  4. If they get super close to you and you don’t think you’re big enough to push them out of your way with your pecks, you could try to frighten them by speaking to them! It’s unexpected, so it’s dangerous to humans who rely on predicting the future to survive! Or maybe you would make a friend. if they say “dude I’m just trying to workout leave me alone” you could say “oh ok, just watchout for my dumbell here it might hit you that close” and obviously don’t *try* to hit them but if they are super close like that’s a legit concern

  5. Stomp the ground to alert them that they’ve entered your breeding territory.

  6. >As I continue to get into better shape, I notice more guys trying to “intimidate” me or asserting their “dominance” by standing/walking close to me. Too close for my comfort.

    I mean, I get it, you’re posting this online to reddit so I might already know the answer but

    Are you sure this is happening, or is this internalized? Because as a reminder, no one generally cares about anyone else in the gym. Sure, there’s edge cases, but the overwhelming amount of people do their own thing and don’t process the thoughts you have

    Another thing: as others have said, have you tried talking to them? Not like, confrontational talking but like (weird concept) talking to them, as someone who does the same hobby as you?

    What I mean is, at a default level, shouldn’t you be viewing these people at your community, people that could be fun be around when there’s a common interest?

    Because I feel like, this might be you making some gains (which awesome!) but it’s now leading you to some insecurities, which are manifesting into competition and peacocking.

    It’s pretty common to view things this way, and I think it would be great to do a self-assessment before thinking more about the way you’re currently viewing this

  7. They probably want to be your friend and are shy.

    You’ve been a regular so now they recognize you and are less weirded out by your newness.

    You’re allowed to be uncomfortable with people in “your space” but understand they may not share your concerns and not realize you don’t like it.

  8. Please don’t be one of those dudes who picks up a gym habit and immediately starts trying to throw his dick around just as soon as he finds his biceps.

  9. If someone crowds you, just fart. Protein pre-workout skakes add some kick to it as well. Their machismo… and anything in their sinuses… will melt away with a quickness you’re not gonna find on the nearby treadmills.

  10. Knowing how to assert your boundaries in a way that doesn’t escalate the situation is a powerful skill to learn. You can go the polite route or make a light hearted joke out of it.

  11. Nod, smile, and go about your business. Just because someone issues a “challenge” doesn’t necessitate a response. Personally if someone enters into my space, I accommodate them until they encroach upon my personal limit. At that point a polite yet firm “would you give me some space” tends to resolve the issue. Worst case scenario. Sneeze on them.

  12. They got ad comments I’m the posts now too? What the fuck is u/allies-of-skin ?

  13. Just be careful because it can be a learned trauma response from your past experiences. Normal people don’t square up in you, they’re just doing their thing, be careful they could be just living in their own head not wanting to get in conflict.

    If you’re too young it might be an issue, because young male teenagers tend to feel insecure or threatened easily by others boys and their response is often trying to bully or abuse the person. If it’s your situation, just try your best to avoid it, unless it becomes a problem then get adults involved.

    I got into a lot physical conflict when I was younger. It’s not fun, every place I walk into I’m automatically looking for who’s hardest to fight and where is fastest to escape, what can be used as weapon. It’s not a good place to be. Try to relax, and just don’t let your past experiences cause you to get in more trouble.

  14. I think your increase in testosterone from getting in shape is just giving you delusional thoughts. Nobody gives a shit about anybody but themselves in the gym

  15. Double down and move in closer without saying a word. Gaslight em and act like they’re insane if they say anything.

  16. Are you sure that’s what’s actually happening, and not you seeing it when it’s not there?

  17. It’s in your head mate. You’ve been training for 7 months. You haven’t suddenly become Ronnie Coleman.

  18. Why are you checking out other guys at the gym? You trying suck dick?

    My point being ignore them, you are not there for them.

  19. I usually grin and say something that makes it sound like I think they’re hitting on me.

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